Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 18
Showing: Items 1 - 18

Select Item Title Year Published
A surrogate species chemical reaction mechanism for urban-scale air quality simulation models / 1987
A surrogate species chemical reaction mechanism for urban-scale air quality simulation models / 1987
An experimental and modeling study of the photochemical reactivity of heatset printing oils / 1987
An experimental and modeling study of the photochemical reactivity of heatset printing oils / 1987
Atmospheric Chemistry of Hydrocarbon Fuels. Volume I. Experiments, Results, and Discussion. 1981
Atmospheric fates of organic chemicals : prediction of ozone and hydroxyl radical reaction rates and mechanisms / 1985
Development and testing of a surrogate species chemical reaction mechanism / 1986
Development of ozone reactivity scales for volatile organic compounds / 1991
Development of ozone reactivity scales for volatile organic compounds / 1991
Development of ozone reactivity scales for volatile organic compounds : project summary / 1991
Effects of methanol fuel substitution on multi-day air pollution episodes : final report / 1986
Evaluation of the RADM gas-phase chemical mechanism / 1990
Evaluation of the RADM gas-phase chemical mechanism / 1990
Experimental protocol for determining photolysis reaction rate constants / 1984
Experimental protocol for determining protolysis reaction rate constants / 1983
Outdoor chamber study to test multi-day effects, volumes I, II, and III / 1985
Protocols for evaluating oxidant mechanisms for urban and regional models / 1992
University of California, Riverside environmental data base for evaluating oxidant mechanisms : indoor chamber experiments through 1993 : project summary / 1996

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