Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 25
Showing: Items 1 - 25

Select Item Title Year Published
Analysis of Alaska vehicle CO emission study data 2000
Analysis of invalid emission testing in the California Smog Check program / 1994
Analysis of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of remote sensing devices / 1994
Analysis of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of remote sensing devices / 1994
Analytical support for emission factors development and air quality assessment / 1988
Analytical support for emission factors development and air quality assessment : impacts of a loaded pass/fail or preconditioning mode on I/M failure rates / 1988
ASA S3/SC1.4 TR-2014 Sound Exposure Guidelines for Fishes and Sea Turtles: A Technical Report prepared by ANSI-Accredited Standards Committee S3/SC1 and registered with ANSI [electronic resource] / 2014
Chemical and biological studies related to the water quality of St. Louis Bay of Lake Superior / 1984
Chemical and biological studies related to the water quality of St. Louis Bay of Lake Superior / 1984
COMMUTER model user manual for analysis of voluntary mobile source emission reduction and commuter choice incentive programs / 2000
Development of an improved computer simulation of vehicle emissions during cold start and warm-up operation / 1991
Driving cycle development software user's guide / 1993
Evaluation of loaded mode I/M testing at service stations 1988
Failure rate analyses and development of fast-pass, retest, and CPP algorithms for IM147 max CO cutpoints / 2000
Failure rate analyses and development of fast-pass, retest, and CPP algorithms for IM147 max CO cutpoints / 1999
In-use performance of Daimler-Benz light-duty diesel particulate trap oxidizers / 1988
Methodology for generating driving cycles for inventory development 1995
Occurrence of pesticides, nitrate, volatile organic compounds, and trace elements in ground water and streams, southeastern Missouri, 1986-87 1988
Overland flow treatment of wastewater : interim report 1974
Overland flow treatment of wastewater : interim report / 1974
Overland flow treatment of wastewater interim report / 1974
Pollution Monitoring of Puget Sound with Honey Bees. 1985
Site-specific water quality studies of the Straight River, Minnesota : complex effluent toxicity, zinc toxicity, and biological survey relationships / 1985
Site-specific water quality studies of the Straight River, Minnesota : complex effluent toxicity, zinc toxicity, and biological survey relationships / 1985
Travel Trip Characteristics Analysis : final report. Contract No. 68-C1-0079. Work Assignment No. 2-05. / 1994

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