Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 33
Showing: Items 1 - 33
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Burns AND L AND A)

Select Item Title Year Published
A Study to determine the feasibility of using a ground-penetrating radar for more effective remediation of subsurface contamination / 1992
A study to determine the feasibility of using a ground-penetrating radar for more effective remediation of subsurface contamination / 1992
Applicability of organic solids to the development of new techniques for removing oxides of sulfur from flue gases 1968
APTI course 419 : preparation of emission inventories / 1992
Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment (AGWA) - A GIS-Based Hydrologic Modeling Tool: Documentation and User Manual, Version 1.5. 2004
Base flow distribution / 1966
Climate change geoengineering : philosophical perspectives, legal issues, and governance frameworks / 2013
Decomposition by Planktonic and Attached Microorganisms Improves Chemical Fate Models. 1986
Demonstration of multimetal continuous emission monitors for real-time measurement of trace hazardous metals / 1997
Ecosystems analysis of the Big Cypress Swamp and estuaries / 1973
Effects of pond characteristics on biotic exposures / 1991
Estimates of Isoprene and Monoterpene Emission Rates in Plants. 1982
Fate of Toxic Organic Substances in the Aquatic Environment. 1978
Geologic factors in the evaluation of water pollution potential at mountain dwelling sites / 1973
Mid-Atlantic stressor profile atlas 1999
Models for Predicting the Fate of Synthetic Chemicals in Aquatic Ecosystems. 1985
National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants (NESHAP) for source category : metal furniture surface coating : background information for proposed standards / 2001
Palouse River transect study : Station no. 153010 : July 8 & 9, 1969. 1970
Photochemical Modeling Applied to Natural Waters. 1986
Phthalate Ester Hydrolysis: Linear Free Energy Relationships. 1980
Physical-chemical treatment of a municipal wastewater using powdered carbon / 1973
Probabilistic Aquatic Exposure Assessment for Pesticides. I: Foundations. 2001
Rose Lake transect study : Station no. 153007 : September 23 and 24, 1969 / 1970
Security analysis & response for water utilities / 2001
Snake River transect study, Station No. 153018, July 29 and 30, 1969 / 1970
Sources and Sinks of Radiatively Important Trace Gases in the Biosphere. 1989
Storage requirements to control high flow / 1964
Testing the Performance of Continuous Emission Monitors for Measuring Trace Metal and Organic Species Emissions from Incinerators. 1996
United States Meteorological Data: Daily and Hourly Files to Support Predictive Exposure Modeling. 2007
Use of Linear Free Energy Relationships and an Evaluative Model to Assess the Fate and Transport of Phthalate Esters in the Aquatic Environment. 1980
User's guide to the Complex Terrain Dispersion Model Plus Algorithms for Unstable Situations (CTDMPLUS) 1989
User's guide to the Complex Terrain Dispersion Model plus algorithms for unstable situations (CTDMPLUS) : volume 1, Model description and user instructions / 1989
Validation Methods for Chemical Exposure and Hazard Assessment Models. 1985

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