Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 953
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Select Item Title Year Published
1,2-Dibromoethane Causes Rat Hepatic DNA Damage at Low Doses. 1986
1,2-dichloroethane technical control options analysis 1980
1,2-dichloroethane technical control options analysis : final report / 1980
1-propanol / 1998
13 fatal errors managers make 1985
A battery-operated air sampler for remote areas / 1979
A Chesapeake Bay review : research and responsibilities : prepared for the Chesapeake Bay Program ... / 1976
A classification of North American biotic communities / 1998
A guide to the Indian tribes of the Pacific Northwest / 2010
A National compendium of freshwater fish and water temperature data. 1979
A national compendium of freshwater fisheries and water temperature data / 1972
A Primer on Nonmarket Valuation / 2017
A primer on nonmarket valuation / 2003
A Requirements study of an automated advisory system for review of RCRA permits / 1986
A small town source water primer : building support for protection programs. 2000
A study of the agroclimatology of the highlands of Eastern Africa / 1973
Accidents will happen : a small town guide to planning for hazardous materials response. 1990
Acidic precipitation and lake acidification : a master's report / 1981
Acrylic acid (2-propenoic acid) 1997
Action guide for source water funding : small town and rural county strategies for protecting critical water supplies. 1997
Acute oral toxicity of DIGL-RP solid propellant in Sprague-Dawley Rats 1989
Acute toxicity in theory and practice : with special reference to the toxicology of pesticides / 1980
Adams and Victor's principles of neurology / 2005
Addendum to user's guide for climatological dispersion model / 1977
Advanced concepts test facility-measurements and suggested test plan : interim report 1980
Advances in chromatography : a tribute to J. Calvin Giddings. 1998
Advances in Plant and Animal Boron Nutrition Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on all Aspects of Plant and Animal Boron Nutrition / [electronic resource] : 2007
Advantage glass! : switching to plastic is an environmental mistake : a study documenting the environmental advantages of glass over plastic containers, based on published information / 1993
Aerial photographic analysis of the GTE Government Systems facility : Mountain View, California / 1995
Aerobic and anaerobic oxidation of crude oils by microorganisms from Louisiana bay-bottom muds, 1950
Ageing of rubber : accelerated weathering and ozone test results / 2001
Aggregate plants. 1993
Agricultural vulnerability to nuclear war 1973
Air pollution control technology handbook / 2002
Airborne Trace Elements in Great Smoky Mountains, Olympic, and Glacier National Parks. 1984
Alaskan oil transportation issues / 1977
Allylisopropylacetamide Induces Rat Hepatic Ornithine Decarboxylase (Journal Version). 1987
Alternative Eel River projects and conveyance routes / 1972
Alum treatment of high-rate trickling filter effluent / 1973
Americium : its behavior in soil and plant systems / 1976
An approach to developing nutrient criteria for Pacific Northwest estuaries : a case study of Yaquina Estuary, Oregon / 2007
An Arctic ecosystem : the coastal tundra at Barrow, Alaska / 1980
An evaluation of high level noise and its reduction in a 3000 BTU/HR gasoline-engine-powered field refrigeration unit. 1975
An evaluation of subsurface conditions at refinery land treatment sites / 1984
An experimental study of a wastewater treatment system suitable for shipboard use / 1972
An introduction to Mid-Atlantic seasonal pools / 2005
An SAB report : environmental radiation ambient monitoring system (ERAMS) II.prepared by the Radiation Advisory Committee of the Science Advisory Board. 1998
An SAB report : review of the health risks from low-level environmental exposures to radionuclides (FGR-13 report) / 1998
Analysis and Abatement of Highway Construction Noise. 1981
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