Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (AUTHOR=Brown AND David AND A)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A classification of North American biotic communities / 1998
Analytical and sampling quality assurance technical support : fiscal year 1987 / 1988
Arizona wetlands and waterfowl / 1985
Biotic communities : southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico / 1994
Biotic communities of the American Southwest - United States and Mexico / 1982
Children's exposure to diesel exhaust on school buses 2002
Conference on Topics in Toxicology and Risk Assessment : abstract booklet, 12-15 April 1999, Hope Hotel & Conference Center, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH. 1999
Control of Hydrocarbon Emissions from Gasoline Loading by Refrigeration Systems. 1981
Determination of octanol/water distribution coefficients, water solubilities, and sediment/water partition coefficients for hydrophobic organic pollutants / 1979
Development of a model to predict the adsorption of lead from solution on a natural streambed sediment / 1984
Development of land disposal decisions for metals using MINTEQ sensitivity analyses 1986
Development of land disposal decisions for metals using MINTEQ sensitivity analyses / 1986
Development of land disposal decisions for metals using MINTEQ sensitivity analyses / 1986
Development of management guidelines to prevent pollution by irrigation return flow from rice fields / 1978
Digital Soil Mapping Bridging Research, Environmental Application, and Operation / [electronic resource] : 2010
Ecological recovery after reclamation of toxic spoils left by coal surface mining : phase II, an assessment of environmental changes following intensive remedial treatments / 1987
Effect of Organic Fluids on the Permeability of Clay Soil Liners. 1982
Effect of seepage from unlined municipal waste stabilization lagoons on chemical quality of groundwater in shallow aquifers / 1983
Electrostatic capture of fine particles in fiber beds / 1976
Field testing pesticide transport models at a cooperative test site near Plains, Georgia / 1991
Forecasts of the Effects of Air and Water Pollution Controls on Solid Waste Generation. 1974
Geologic framework and hydrogeologic properties of the Seco Creek Watershed, Texas. [electronic resource] 1999
Global environmental politics / 2014
Global environmental politics / 2010
Hydrology of fractured rocks a literature review / 1985
Impact of anion exchange pre-treatment on downstream processes / 2011
Innovative applications of treatment processes for spent filter backwash / 2010
Marine shoreline fauna of Washington. 1975
Mercury concentrations in estuarine sediments, Lavaca and Matagorda bays, Texas, 1992 / 1998
Metals in groundwater / 1993
Minimizing water treatment residual discharges to surface water / 2010
Mining the Earth's Heat: Hot Dry Rock Geothermal Energy [electronic resource] / 2012
MINTEQA1, an equilibrium metal speciation model : user's manual / 1987
MINTEQA2/PRODEFA2, a geochemical assessment model for environmental systems : version 3.0 user's manual / 1991
Monitoring of a controlled DNAPL spill using a prototype dielectric logging tool / 2006
Neurodegeneration and Prion Disease [electronic resource] / 2005
NOAA celebrating 200 years of science, service, and stewardship, 1807-2007. 2007
North Carolina's timber industry : an assessment of timber product output and use, 1994 / 1996
Ocean disposal of barge-delivered liquid and solid wastes from U.S. coastal cities, 1971
Paraquat Sorption as a Function of Particle Size in Natural Sediments. 1977
Pesticide management and insecticide resistance / 1977
Preliminary testing, evaluation and sensitivity analysis for the Terrestrial Ecosystem Exposure Assessment Model (TEEAM) / 1991
Preliminary testing, evaluation and sensitivity analysis for the Terrestrial Ecosystem Exposure Assessment Model (TEEAM) / 1991
Recharge to and discharge from the Edwards aquifer in the San Antonio area, Texas, 1995 / 1996
Sorption of Hydrophobic Pollutants on Natural Sediments. 1978
Source water protection for concentrated animal feeding operations : a guide for drinking water utilities / 2007
Summary statistics and graphical comparisons of historical hydrologic and water-quality data, Seco Creek Watershed, South-Central Texas 1998
Sustainable architecture: white papers 2000
The effect of mirex and carbofuran on estuarine microorganisms / 1975
Trace contaminants in drinking water chemicals 2002
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