Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
1,2-dichloroethane technical control options analysis : final report / 1980
A guide to the Indian tribes of the Pacific Northwest / 2010
A Requirements study of an automated advisory system for review of RCRA permits / 1986
Aggregate plants. 1993
Alaskan oil transportation issues / 1977
An SAB report : environmental radiation ambient monitoring system (ERAMS) II.prepared by the Radiation Advisory Committee of the Science Advisory Board. 1998
An SAB report : review of the health risks from low-level environmental exposures to radionuclides (FGR-13 report) / 1998
Analysis of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in particulate matter by luminescense techniques / 1984
Analysis of vermiculite substitutes 1979
Archaebacterial RNA Polymerase Binding Site and Transcription Initiation of the hisA Gene in 'Methanococcus vannielii'. 1988
Archaeological Monitoring of the International Wastewater Treatment Plant Land Outfall Trench. San Diego County, California. 1994
Assessing the Performance of Full-Scale Environmental Chambers Using an Independently Measured Emission Source. 1999
Biological, habitat, and water quality conditions in the upper Merced River drainage, Yosemite National Park, California, 1993-1996 / 1999
Biota of freshwater ecosystems : identification manual / 1972
Carbon Pools and Flux of Global Forest Ecosystems. 1994
Carcinogenic Risk of Non-Uniform Alpha Particle Irradiation in the Lungs: Radon Progeny Effects at Bronchial Bifurcations. 1992
Characterization of chemical waste site contamination and its extent using bioassays 1984
Chemical Speciation and Competitive Cationic Partitioning on a Sandy Aquifer Material. 1989
Chemical spill exposure assessment methodology 1988
Chemical Substitution for 1,1,1,-Trichloroethane and Methanol in an Industrial Cleaning Operation. 1992
Climate Change in Thailand and Its Potential Impact on Rice Yield. 1992
Combined Chemical and Biological Oxidation of Slurry Phase Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. 1995
Combined Sewer Overflow Control through In-Receiving Water Storage: An Efficiency Evaluation. 1994
Communicating design : developing web site documentation for design and planning / 2007
Comparison of Design Specifications for Three Large Environmental Chambers. 1998
Comparison of the sink characteristics of three full-scale environmental chambers {miroform} / 1999
Conserving man's environmental resources: summary of a discussional February 25, 1966 1966
Demonstration of multimetal continuous emission monitors for real-time measurement of trace hazardous metals / 1997
Development of a capillary wick unsaturated zone pore water sampler. 1988
Development of management guidelines to prevent pollution by irrigation return flow from rice fields / 1978
Development of the Westvaco activated carbon process for SOx recovery as elemental sulfur / 1976
Development of the Westvaco Activated Carbon Process for SOx Recovery as Elemental Sulfur. Volume I. 1976
Direct Thermochemical Conversion of Sewage Sludge to Fuel Oil. 1985
Disinfection of Secondary Effluent With Ozone/UV (Ultraviolet). 1984
Distribution of 2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic Acid in the Mouse Fetus. 1977
Effect of Local Ultraviolet Irradiation on Infections of Mice with 'Candida albicans', 'Mycobacterium bovis BCG', and 'Schistosoma mansoni'. 1992
Effects of Wastewater Treatment and Seawater Dilution in Reducing Lethal Toxicity of Municipal Wastewater to Sheepshead Minnow ('Cyprinodon variegatus') and Pink Shrimp ('Penaeus duorarum'). 1989
Electrostatic capture of fine particles in fiber beds / 1976
Environmental litigation : law and strategy / 2019
Environmental technologies exports : strategic framework for U.S. leadership. 1993
Erosion processes, fluvial sediment transport, and reservoir sedimentation in a part of the Newell and Zayante Creek basins, Santa Cruz County, California / 1973
Erosional and depositional provinces and sediment transport in the south and central part of the San Francisco Bay region, California / 1973
Essentials for animal research : a primer for research personnel / 1990
Estuarine and coastal marine waters : bioassessment and biocriteria technical guidance / 2000
Evaluation of five waste minimization technologies at the General Dynamics Pomona Division plant / 1992
Evaluation of five waste minimization technologies at the General Dynamics Pomona Division plant : project summary / 1992
EXPURT : a model for evaluating exposure from radioactive material deposited in the urban environment / 1990
Fate of Ocean Dumped Acid-Iron Waste in a MERL (Marine Ecosystems Research Laboratory) Stratified Microcosm. 1985
Feasibility Study - Hydrodesulfurization of Fuels under Corona Discharge Catalysis. 1965
Foam Scrubbing (Chapter 9). 1993
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