Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 962
Showing: Items 101 - 150

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Select Item Title Year Published
Biochemical Effects of Three Chlorinated Phenols in Rat Liver. 1988
Biochemical Effects of Two Promoters of Hepatocarcinogenesis in Rats. 1987
Biochemical Studies of Promoters of Carcinogenesis in Rat Liver. 1989
Biochemical Studies of Six Nitrogen-Containing Heterocycles in Rat Tissues. 1989
Biogeography / 1998
Biological destruction of perchlorate in groundwater : an applied research program / 2009
Biological factors in domestic rodent control. 1960
Biological treatment of wastes from corn wet milling industry / 1978
Biological, habitat, and water quality conditions in the upper Merced River drainage, Yosemite National Park, California, 1993-1996 / 1999
Bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbons : a flexible, variable speed technology / 1996
Biota of freshwater ecosystems : identification manual / 1972
Biotic communities : southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico / 1994
Biotic communities of the American Southwest - United States and Mexico / 1982
Black women in America : an historical encyclopedia / 1993
Bordering on trouble resources and politics in Latin America / 1986
Bury my heart at Wounded Knee : an Indian history of the American West / 1991
Bury my heart at Wounded Knee : an Indian history of the American West / 2007
Butyl diglycol 1998
Cadmium and chromium recovery from electroplating rinsewaters / 1994
CADRE : a data validation program. 1991
Calving speed of Alaska tidewater glaciers, with application to Columbia Glacier 1982
Carbanion chemistry / 1983
Carbon counts : estimating climate change mitigation in forestry projects / 1997
Carbon Pools and Flux of Global Forest Ecosystems. 1994
Carcinogenic Risk of Non-Uniform Alpha Particle Irradiation in the Lungs: Radon Progeny Effects at Bronchial Bifurcations. 1992
Cars, cans, and dumps : solutions for rural residuals / 1976
Case study of surface mining and reclamation planning International Minerals and Chemical Corporation, phosphate operations, Polk County, Florida / 1977
Catalytic oxidation of fuels for NOx control from area sources / 1976
Census of state and territorial substitle D non-hazardous waste programs. 1986
Changing politics of federal grants 1984
Characterization and beneficiation of phosphate-bearing rocks from northern Michigan 1981
Characterization of chemical waste site contamination and its extent using bioassays 1984
Characterization of virus removals in diatomaceous earth filtration : thesis / 1972
Characterizing containerized mixed low-level waste for treatment : a workshop proceedings / 1993
Characterizing heterogeneous wastes : methods and recommendations / 1992
Characterizing risk at metal finishing facilities / 1998
Chemical health effects assessment methodology for airborne contaminants 1987
Chemical processes for pollution prevention and Control / 2018
Chemical Speciation and Competitive Cationic Partitioning on a Sandy Aquifer Material. 1989
Chemical spill exposure assessment methodology 1988
Chemical Substances Information Network (CSIN): An Overview. 1984
Chemical Substitution for 1,1,1,-Trichloroethane and Methanol in an Industrial Cleaning Operation. 1992
Chemical toxicology and clinical chemistry of metals : proceedings of 2nd International Conference held in Montreal, Canada, 19-22 July 1983 1983
Chemical Use Standard Encoding System (ChemUSES). Volume III. Application List and Application List Index. 1980
Chemical warfare : a study in restraints / 1968
Chemical, geologic, and hydrologic data from the study of acidic contamination in the Miami Wash-Pinal Creek area, Arizona, water years 1984-87 1989
Chemical, geologic, and hydrologic data from the study of acidic contamination in the Miami Wash-Pinal Creek area, Arizona, water years 1988-89 1990
Chemistry : the central science 1977
Chemistry : the central science / 2006
Chemistry for science and engineering 1981
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