Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 7
Showing: Items 1 - 7
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Brandt AND K AND D)

Select Item Title Year Published
Applying fabric filtration to refuse-fired boilers : a pilot-scale investigation / 1978
Assessment of a high-velocity fabric filtration system used to control fly ash emissions / 1979
Impacts on quality of inland wetlands of the United States : a survey of indicators, techniques, and applications of community-level biomonitoring data / 1990
Impacts on quality of inland wetlands of the United States a survey of indicators, techniques, and applications of community-level biomonitoring data / 1990
Mineral Content of the Arterial Wall of Infants and its Relation to Arterial Calcinosis in Childhood (Der Mineralgehalt der Kindlichen Arterienwand und Seine Beziehung zur Kindlichen Arterienkalzinose). 1973
State of development of Nox catalysts for gasoline DI Engines 2000
Twort's water supply / 2009

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