Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 7
Showing: Items 1 - 7
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Boulding AND Russell)

Select Item Title Year Published
Assessing the geochemical fate of deep-well-injected hazardous waste : a reference guide. 1990
Description and sampling of contaminated soils : a field guide / 1994
Environmental who's who for northern great plains energy development : a guide to individuals, organizations, and programs focused on environmental impacts of energy development in Montana, North Dakota, Wyoming / 1974
EPA environmental assessment sourcebook 1996
EPA environmental engineering sourcebook 1996
Practical handbook of soil, vadose zone, and ground-water contamination : assessment, prevention, and remediation / 2004
Practical handbook of soil, vadose zone, and ground-water contamination : assessment, prevention, and remediation / 1995

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