Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 9
Showing: Items 1 - 9
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Bjorklund AND Louis AND Jay)

Select Item Title Year Published
Availability of ground water in the Albuquerque area, Bernalillo, and Sandoval Counties, New Mexico, 1961
Geology and ground-water resources of the lower Lodgepole Creek drainage basin, Nebraska / 1957
Geology and ground-water resources of the lower South Platte River Valley between Hardin, Colorado, and Paxton Nebraska 1957
Ground-water conditions and geologic reconnaissance of the upper Sevier River Basin, Utah / 1967
Ground-water geology of parts of Laramie and Albany Counties, Wyoming, and Weld County, Colorado 1956
Ground-water resources of Cache Valley, Utah and Idaho, 1971
Ground-water resources of the lower Bear River drainage basin, Box Elder County, Utah 1974
Ground-water resources of the Sevier River Basin between Yuba Dam and Leamington Canyon, Utah 1968
Quantitative analysis of water resources in the Albuquerque area, New Mexico: computed effects on the Rio Grande of pumpage of ground water, 1960-2000, 1967

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