Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 42
Showing: Items 1 - 42
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Bird AND S)

Select Item Title Year Published
1990 farm bill opportunities for groundwater protection / 1990
A lady's life in the Rocky Mountains / 1960
Beach management 1996
Born female : the high cost of keeping women down / 1970
Born female : the high cost of keeping women down / 1974
Coastal geomorphology : an introduction / 2000
Conservation Lands Audit and Online Inventory for Dover, NH. 2011
Eden in peril the troubled waters of the Chesapeake Bay / 1985
Effect of aeration on the water column and sediments of Rock Creek 1983
Effect of selected soft drink mixes on the germicidal properties of iodine tablets 1968
Encyclopedia of the World's Coastal Landforms [electronic resource] / 2010
Estimating and Projecting Impervious Cover in the Southeastern United States. 2005
Evaluation of Borehole Geophysical Logging, Aquifer-Isolation Tests, Distribution of Contaminants, and Water-Level Measurements at the North Penn Area 5 Superfund Site, Bucks and Montgomery Counties, Pennsylvania. 2002
Fate and Exposure Modeling in Terrestrial Ecosystems: A Process Approach. (Chapter 16). 1994
Field measurements of particle size distribution with inertial sizing devices / 1973
Field Measurements of Particle Size Distribution with Inertial Sizing Devices. 1973
Geochemical modeling of mine pit water : an overview and application of computer codes / 1993
Geologic map of the Demarcation Point, Mt. Michelson, Flaxman Island, and Barter Island quadrangles, northeastern Alaska 1986
Geophysical Logs, Specific Capacity, and Water Quality of Four Wells at Rogers Mechanical(former Tate Andale) Property, North Penn Area 6 Superfund Site, Lansdale, Pennsylvania, 2006-07. 2010
Green power marketing in the United States : a status report / 2005
Groundwater protection : emerging issues and policy challenges / 1985
Guide to EPA Region 3 program data systems / 1991
Hand up women mentoring women in science / 1993
Human variability in susceptibility to anticholinesterase agents 1987
Introduction to geochemistry 1995
Mentoring means future scientists a guide for developing mentoring programs based on the AWIS Mentoring Project / Stephanie J. Bird (Project Director)...{et. al.}. 1993
Mid-Atlantic stressor profile atlas 1999
Petroleum geology of the northern part of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, northeastern Alaska 1987
Preliminary testing, evaluation and sensitivity analysis for the Terrestrial Ecosystem Exposure Assessment Model (TEEAM) / 1991
Preliminary testing, evaluation and sensitivity analysis for the Terrestrial Ecosystem Exposure Assessment Model (TEEAM) / 1991
Preliminary Testing, Evaluation and Sensitivity Analysis for the Terrestrial Ecosystem Exposure Assessment Model (TEEAM). 1991
Quaternary of Virginia a symposium volume / 1986
Regional Assessment of Fish Health: A Prototype Methodology and Case Study for the Albemarle - Pamlico River Basin, North Carolina. 2002
Rock Creek water quality assessment 1982
Screening to Identify and Prevent Urban Storm Water Problems : Estimating Impervious Area Accurately and Inexpensively / 2002
Screening to identify and prevent urban storm water problems : estimating impervious area accurately and inexpensively. 2002
Secrets of the soil / 1989
Silverton gold : the story of Silverton's largest gold mine / 1986
SPRAYTRAN User's Guide: A GIS-Based Atmospheric Spray Droplet Dispersion Modeling System. 2005
Structure of nematodes 1971
Transport phenomena 1960
User's guide for AgDRIFTtm 1.0 : a tiered approach for the assessment of spray drift of pesticides / 1997

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