Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 43
Showing: Items 1 - 43
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Billets AND S)

Select Item Title Year Published
A guidance manual for the preparation of characterization and monitoring technology demonstration plans / 1996
Continuous monitoring with purge - and- trap gas chromatography. 1991
Demonstration and quality assurance project plan : technologies for the monitoring and measurement of dioxin and dioxin-like compounds in soil and sediment / 2004
Demonstration of the Bruker mobile environmental monitor : superfund innovative technology evaluation program: technology evaluation report / 1991
Demonstration plan : field measurement technologies for total petroleum hydrocarbons in soil / 2000
Demonstration plan for the evaluation of field transportable gas chromatography/mass spectrometers. / 1995
Determination of 51 Priority Organic Compounds After Extraction from Standard Reference Materials. 1983
Development and evaluation of methods for total organic halide and purgeable organic halide in wastewater / 1984
Electroanalytical measurement techniques for metals-contaminated soil characterization : Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratory, New Mexico State University, and Environmental Technologies Group, Inc. / 1998
Environmental technology verification report : electrochemical technique/ion specific electrode /prepared by Amy B. Dindal, Charles K. Bayne, Roger A. Jenkins, Stephen Billets and Eric Koglin. 1998
Environmental technology verification report : field-portable gas chromatograph: Sentex Systems, Inc. Scentograph Plus II / 1998
Environmental technology verification report : immunoassay kit, Strategic Diagnostics Inc. EnviroGard PCB Test Kit / by Amy B. Dindal, Charles K. Bayne, Roger A. Jenkins, Stephen Billets and Eric N. Koglin. 1998
Environmental technology verification report : immunoassay, kit, Strategic Diagnostics, Inc. D Tech PCB test kit. / 1998
Environmental technology verification report : portable gas chromatograph/surface acoustic wave detector, electronic sensor technology 4100 vapor detector / 1998
Environmental technology verification report : soil gas sampling technology, Quadrel Services, Inc. EMFLUX(R) soil gas system / 1998
Evolution and Performance of the Eichrom Technologies Procept(Trade Name) Rapid Dioxin Assay for Soil and Sediment Samples, Interim Report. 2007
Field technology evaluations in EPA's environmental technology verification (ETV) program {microform} / 1998
Innovataive Technology Verification Report: Field Measurement Technology for Mercury in Soil and Sediment Milestone Inc.'s Direct Analyzer (DKMA)-80. 2004
Innovatiave Technology Verification Report: Field Measurement Technology for Mercury in Soil and Sediment. Ohio Lumex's RA-915+/RP-91C Mercury Analyzer. 2004
Innovative Technology Evaluation Report: Sediment Sampling Technology, Aquatic Research Instruments, Russian Peat Borer. 1999
Innovative technology verification report : CHEMetrics, Inc., and AZUR Environmental Ltd RemediAid (trade mark) total petroleum hydrocarbon starter kit / 2001
Innovative technology verification report : Field measurement technologies for total petroleum hydrocarbons in soil, Dexsil(R) Corporation PetroFLAG System / 2001
Innovative technology verification report : field measurement technologies for total petroleum hydrocarbons in soil. Environmental Systems Corporation Synchronous Scanning Luminoscope / 2001
Innovative technology verification report : field measurement technologies for total petroleum hydrocarbons in soil. Horiba Instruments Incorporated, OCMA-350 oil content analyzer / 2001
Innovative technology verification report : field measurement technologies for total petroleum hydrocarbons in soil. Strategic Diagnostics Inc. EnSys Petro Test System / 2001
Innovative technology verification report : field measurements technologies for total petroleum hydrocarbons in soil, siteLAB(R) Corporation, site LAB(R) analytical test kit UVF-3100A / 2001
Innovative technology verification report : field measurements technologies for total petroleum hydrocarbons in soil, Wilks Enterprise, Inc. Infracal(R) TOG/TPH analyzer / 2001
Innovative technology verification report : Milestone Inc.'s direct mercury analyzer (DMA)-80 / 2004
Innovative technology verification report : MTI Inc.'s PDV 6000 anodic stripping voltammetry / 2004
Innovative technology verification report : Niton's XLi/XLt 700 series x-ray fluorescence analysers. / 2004
Innovative technology verification report : Ohio Lumex's RA-915+/RP-91C mercury analyzer / 2004
Innovative technology verification report : Wako Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd., Dioxin ELISA Kit Wako (for environmental) / 2005
Innovative Technology Verification Report: Field Measurement Technology for Mercury in Soil and Sediment Metorex's X-MET (TRADE MARK) 2000 X-Ray Fluorescence Technology. 2004
Innovative Technology Verification Report: Field Measurement Technology for Mercury in Soil and Sediment. MTI Inc.'s PDV 6000 Anodic Stripping Voltammetry. 2004
Interim report on the evolution and performance of the Eichrom Technologies Procept rapid dioxin assay for soil and sediment samples / 2007
Laser-induced breakdown spectrometer for metals-contaminated soil characterization : Los Alamos National Laboratory / 1998
Laser-induced breakdown spectrometer for metals-contaminated soil characterization : Mel ok Instruments, Inc. / 1998
Mobile atomic absorption spectrometer for metals-contaminated soil characterization : Pace Environmental Laboratories / 1998
Mobile mass spectrometry. 1990
Survey of mobile laboratory capabilities and configurations by J.L. Engels, H.B. Kerfoot and D.F. Arnold ; prepared for the Office of Emergency and Remedial Response. 1984
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin Isomer Differentiation by Micro Diffuse Reflectance Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry at the Low Nanogram Level. 1985
Total organic halide : method 450.1 / 1980
Total organic halide : method 450.1 / 1980

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