Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 9
Showing: Items 1 - 9
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Beyer AND L)

Select Item Title Year Published
Animal Waste Effects Upon Crop Production, Soil and Runoff Waters. 1981
Co-Culture of Rat Embryos and Hepatocytes: 'In vitro' Detection of a Proteratogen. 1986
In vitro Culture of Postimplantation Hamster Embryos. 1988
In vitro Embryotoxicity of a Series of Para-Substituted Phenols: Structure, Activity, and Correlation with In vivo Data. 1992
In-vessel composting of municipal wastewater sludge / 1989
Seasonal variations in the purification of treatment plant effluent in natural sand deposits / 1976
Technical support document for land application of sewage sludge 1992
The role of health research in support of EPA's regulatory programs. 1990
Water quality and value of homesites on the Rockaway River, N.J. 1969

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