Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 33
Showing: Items 1 - 33
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Bennett AND T AND W)

Select Item Title Year Published
A manual of laws, regulations, and institutions for control of ground water pollution / 1976
An in-situ permeable reactive barrier for the treatment of hexavalent chromium and trichloroethylene in ground water / 1999
Copper in sediments from Steilacoom Lake, Pierce County, Washington / 1992
Definition of boundary and initial conditions in the analysis of saturated ground-water flow systems : an introduction / 1987
Effect of Ozone Exposure on the Dispersion of Inhaled Aerosol Boluses in Healthy Human Subjects. 1990
Effects of Dicofol on Mallard Eggshell Quality. 1990
Effects of Dietary Exposure to Methyl Parathion on Egg Laying and Incubation in Mallards. 1991
Effects of Increasing Doses of Sulfur Dioxide and Ambient Ozone on Tomatoes: Plant Growth, Leaf Injury, Elemental Composition, Fruit Yields, and Quality. 1986
Effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sediments from Lake Washington on freshwater bioassay organisms and benthic macroinvertebrates / 1992
Evaluation of an Aquatic Ecoregion Classification of Streams in Arkansas. 1987
Formation of a Detached Plume from a Cement Plant. 1983
Gene manipulations in fungi 1985
Ground-water hydrology of the Punjab, West Pakistan, with emphasis on problems caused by canal irrigation 1967
Guidance for Assessing the Effects of Contaminants to Juvenile Gallinaceous Birds Using a Cross-Fostered Brood Method. 1994
Handbook of suggested practices for the design and installation of ground-water monitoring wells 1990
Handbook of Suggested Practices for the Design and Installation of Ground-Water Monitoring Wells (Revised). 1991
Handbook of suggested practices for the design and installation of ground-water monitoring wells / 1989
Handbook of suggested practices for the design and installation of ground-water monitoring wells / 1991
Handbook of suggested practices for the design and installation of ground-water monitoring wells / 1991
In situ Permeable Reactive Barrier for the Treatment of Hexavalent Chromium and Trichloroethylene in Ground Water. Volume 2. Performance Monitoring. 1999
Ineffectiveness of Cough for Enhancing Mucus Clearance in Asymptomatic Smokers. 1992
Interaction of Soil Moisture Stress and Ambient Ozone on Growth and Yields of Soybeans. 1985
Loading functions for assessment of water pollution from nonpoint sources / 1976
Management of artificial lakes and ponds. 1962
More gene manipulations in fungi 1991
Mucociliary Clearance of Inhaled Particles Measured at 2 h after Ozone Exposure in Humans. 1991
National performance audit program : ambient air audits of analytical proficiency, 1982 / 1984
Particulate Characteristics and Visual Effects of the Atmosphere at Research Triangle Park. 1991
Predicting the Acute Toxicity of Copper in Freshwater Sediments: Evaluation of the Role of Acid-Volatile Sulfide. 1993
Procedure for Evaluating the Potential Ability of Birds to Avoid Chemically Contaminated Food. 1988
Pulmonary Clearance of Inhaled Particles 24 to 48 Hours Post Deposition: Effect of Beta-Adrenergic Stimulation. 1991
Urban Air Pollution Worldwide: Results of the GEMS (Global Environment Monitoring System) Air Monitoring Project. 1985
Using vegetation biomonitors to assess air pollution injury in national parks : milkweed survey 1985

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