Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 265
Showing: Items 1 - 50
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Select Item Title Year Published
1994 Willamette River spring chinook salmon run, fisheries and passage at Willamette Falls / 1995
A critical review of laboratory and some field experimental data on surface jet discharge of heated water / 1973
A field guide to good decisions : values in action / 2006
A manual of laws, regulations, and institutions for control of ground water pollution / 1976
A regional fine particle field study : data base and initial results / 1991
A regional fine particle field study : data base and initial results : project summary / 1991
Acid rain research inventory, FY 79-80. 1980
Advances in responsible land administration / 2016
Aeromagnetic map of the Malvern quadrangle, Chester County, Pennsylvania 1959
Age-Dependent Changes in Activity of Mallard Plasma Cholinesterases. 1991
Agricultural Machinery Noise. 1971
Air pollution control in the European Community implementation of the EC directives in the twelve member states / 1991
Air quality considerations in transportation planning : findings and recommendations on transportation control planning : phase II : final report to the United States Environmental Protection Agency / 1975
Air Quality Considerations in Transportation Planning: Findings and Recommendations on Transportation Control Planning. Phase II. 1975
Airport Noise Litigation - Case Law Review (1973-1980). 1981
An in-situ permeable reactive barrier for the treatment of hexavalent chromium and trichloroethylene in ground water / 1999
Analysis of aquifer tests in the Punjab region of West Pakistan / 1967
Application of electrical and radioactive well logging to ground-water hydrology / 1963
Application survey/evaluation of gas turbine needs : final report 1978
Applied contaminant transport modeling / 2002
Applied contaminant transport modeling : theory and practice / 1995
Approach to Environmental Risk Assessment Using Avian Toxicity Tests (Journal Version). 1988
Arsenic in drinking water rule economic analysis / 2000
Asbestos racket an environmental parable / 1991
Assessment of Methods For Estimating Risk to Birds From Ingestion of Contaminated Grit Particles. 2011
Automatic interfacing system for mercury in stationary source emissions / 1978
Avian life-history profiles for use in the Markov chain nest productivity model (MCnest) / 2014
Black saga : the African American experience : a chronology / 1999
Brain Cholinesterase Activity of Bobwhite Acutely Exposed to Chlorpyrifos. 1991
Cecil textbook of medicine / 2000
Changes in Mallard Hen and Brood Behaviors in Response to Methyl Parathion-Induced Illness of Ducklings. 1988
Characterizaiton of Particulate Emissions from Municipal Wastewater Sludge Incinerators. 1982
Characterization of particulate emissions from non-ferrous smelters. / 1989
Cheat River subbasin abandoned mine drainage assessment 1982
Chemical and physical characterization of municipal sludge incinerator emissions / 1984
Chemical and Physical Characterization of Municipal Sludge Incinerator Emissions. 1984
Community noise around general aviation airports from the year 1975 to 2000 / 1981
Comparative efficacy of artificial and natural Gulf of Mexico reefs as fish attractants 1979
Comparative Response of Nestling European Starlings and Red-Winged Blackbirds to an Oral Administration of Either Dimethoate or Chlorpyrifos. 1992
Comparison of Breaking Strength and Shell Thickness as Evaluators of Eggshell Quality. 1988
Comparison of Sulfur Measurements from a Regional Fine Particle Network with Concurrent Acid Modes Network Results. 1994
Complete Commodore machine code programming course 1986
Concise chemical and technical dictionary 1986
Concise chemical and technical dictionary / 1974
Conservation thresholds for land use planners. 2003
Constant-head pumping test of a multiaquifer well to determine characteristics of individual aquifers / 1962
Copper in sediments from Steilacoom Lake, Pierce County, Washington / 1992
Definition of boundary and initial conditions in the analysis of saturated ground-water flow systems : an introduction / 1984
Definition of boundary and initial conditions in the analysis of saturated ground-water flow systems : an introduction / 1987
Definition of boundary and initial conditions in the analysis of saturated ground-water flow systems : an introduction / 1987
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