Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 30
Showing: Items 1 - 30
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Bennett AND B AND I)

Select Item Title Year Published
Arsenic in drinking water rule economic analysis / 2000
Brain Cholinesterase Activity of Bobwhite Acutely Exposed to Chlorpyrifos. 1991
Cheat River subbasin abandoned mine drainage assessment 1982
Comparative Response of Nestling European Starlings and Red-Winged Blackbirds to an Oral Administration of Either Dimethoate or Chlorpyrifos. 1992
Comparison of Breaking Strength and Shell Thickness as Evaluators of Eggshell Quality. 1988
Disposal of Spent Sorbent from Dry FGD (Flue Gas Desulfurization) Processes. 1983
Disposal of spent sorbent from dry FGD processes / 1983
Effects of Dietary Exposure to Methyl Parathion on Egg Laying and Incubation in Mallards. 1991
Energy activity in the West 1981
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) cumulative bibliography / 1994
Essentials for animal research : a primer for research personnel / 1990
Evaluation of TRIM. FaTE : volume I: approach and initial findings / 2002
Exposure commitment assessments of environmental pollutants : volume 2, summary exposure assessments for PCBs, selenium, chromium 1982
Exposure commitment assessments of environmental pollutants volume 1, number 1, summary exposure assessments for lead, cadmium, and arsenic / 1981
Exposure commitment assessments of environmental pollutants volume 3, summary exposure assessments for copper, vanadium, antimony / 1983
Exposure commitment assessments of environmental pollutants volume 4, summary exposure assessment for aluminium / 1985
Exposure commitment assessments of environmental pollutants volume 4, summary exposure assessment for zinc / 1987
Hydrologic investigation of the Prairie Dog Town Fork of the Red River 1990
National performance audit program : ambient air audits of analytical proficiency, 1982 / 1984
Physiology and medicine of diving 1982
Proposed arsenic in drinking water rule regulatory impact analysis / 2000
Quality Assurance Support for the National Atmospheric Deposition Program and National Trends Network Monitoring Activites: 1987-1990. Interim Report. 1989
Report on risk of asbestos substitutes : final report for Task 1-1, AHERA support, Subtask 12 : review of asbestos ban and phase out rule / 1988
Summary report on emissions from the glass manufacturing industry / 1979
System Alternatives in Oxygen Activated Sludge. 1975
Technical fact sheet : final rule for arsenic in drinking water / 2001
Treatment of primary effluent by rapid infiltration 1980
Urban Air Pollution Worldwide: Results of the GEMS (Global Environment Monitoring System) Air Monitoring Project. 1985
Water Resources Data for Colorado, Water Year 1988. Volume 2: Colorado River Basin. 1989
Willamette River spring chinook salmon run. 1974

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