Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 13
Showing: Items 1 - 13
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Beardsley AND Megan)

Select Item Title Year Published
A Roadmap to MOVES2004 / 2005
Development of speed correction cycles : M6.SPD.001 : response to comments, corrections and clarifications / 2001
Draft design and implementation plan for EPA's multi-scale motor vehicle and equipment emission system (MOVES) / 2002
Estimating benefits of inspection/maintenance programs for evaporative control systems : M6. IM.003 / 2001
Exhaust emission factors for nonroad engine modeling : spark ignition : report no. NR-010b / 1999
Exhaust emission factors for nonroad engine modeling, compression-ignition : report no. NR-009A / 1998
Median life, annual activity, and load factor values for nonroad engine emissions modeling : report no. NR-005A / 1998
MOBILE6 estimates of exhaust emissions for 1994-and-later light duty diesel cars and trucks : M6. EXH.001 / 2001
MOVES2004 highway vehicle population and activity data : Draft / 2004
MOVES2004 software design reference manual : Draft / 2004
MOVES2004 user guide : Draft / 2004
Release of draft MOVES2009 / 2009
Update of heavy-duty emission levels (model years 1988-2004) for use in MOBILE6 : M6. HDE.001 / 2002

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