Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Analysis of the Impact of Delaying Compliance with 1977 Water Quality Standards. 1974
Arid ecosystems strategic monitoring plan, 1991. 1991
Assimilation and flux of sediments and pollutants in the Sandusky River estuary, Sandusky Bay, and the adjacent nearshore zone of Lake Eire : supplementary report further analysis of first year data / 1982
Bay on borrowed time : transportation and handling of oil and other hazardous materials on Chesapeake Bay waters : staff report / 1977
Bioreactors and biotransformations 1987
Computerized Assessment of Human Neurotoxicity: Sensitivity to Nitrous Oxide Exposure. 1985
Concentrations and transport of pesticides in northwestern Ohio rivers - 1981 1981
Conservation tillage adoption in two North Central Ohio watersheds, 1982-1985 : final report / 1987
Critique of Acid Lakes and Fish Population Status in the Adirondack Region of New York State. 1986
Design and Evaluation of an Electronic Radiography System. 1971
Ecological assessment of hazardous waste sites : a field and laboratory reference / 1989
Ecological assessment of hazardous waste sites : a field and laboratory reference / 1989
Ecosystem Services and Environmental Markets in Chesapeake Bay Restoration. 2015
Effects of suspended sediments on penetration of solar radiation into natural waters / 1983
Effects of suspended sediments on penetration of solar radiation into natural waters : final report / 1983
Estuarine response to nutrient enrichment, a counterpart of eutrophication : a bibliography / 1979
Estuarine response to nutrient enrichment, a counterpart of Eutrophication : an annotated bibliography / 1979
Estuarine Response to Nutrient Enrichment. A Counterpart of Eutrophication. Volume II. An Annotated Bibliography. 1979
Fish Communities in Lakes in Subregion 2B (Upper Peninsula of Michigan) in Relation to Lake Acidity. Volume 1. 1989
Fish Communities in Lakes in Subregion 2B (Upper Peninsula of Michigan) in Relation to Lake Acidity. Volume 2, Appendices. 1989
Fluvial transport and processing of sediments and nutrients in large agricultural river basins / 1983
Fluvial transport and processing of sediments and nutrients in large agricultural river basins / 1984
Geophysical investigations of the Cascade Range in central Oregon : ... report / 1979
Ground-water geology of Live Oak County, Texas 1961
Ground-water resources of Columbia County, Arkansas, a reconnaissance 1953
Guide to key environmental statistics in the U.S. Government 1990
Impacts of Cropland Runoff on Nutrient and Pesticide Concentrations in River Systems. 1988
Integrated Air Pollution Control for Coal-Fired Utility Boilers: A Computer Model Approach for Design and Cost-Estimating. 1985
International Sodar Intercomparison Experiment. 1990
Lake Erie agro-ecosystem program : sediment, nutrient and pesticide export studies / 1987
Lake Erie tributary loading studies : 1987 water year / 1989
Marine chemical ecology / 2001
Methods/materials matrix of ultimate disposal techniques for spilled hazardous materials 1984
Micronesia; the breadfruit revolution, 1971
Overview of Rural Nonpoint Pollution in the Lake Erie Basin. 1987
Pesticide concentrations in Lake Erie tributaries, 1987 (Appendix 3). 1987
Pesticide loading into the St. Clair River and Lake St. Clair in 1985 1987
Pilot UV-B Spectrometer Intercomparison Experiment: A Preliminary Report. 1991
Proceedings of Sandusky River Basin Symposium, Held at Tiffin, Ohio on May 2-3, 1975. 1975
Reconnaissance investigation of the ground-water resources of the Neches River Basin, Texas 1963
Reconnaissance investigation of the ground-water resources of the Sabine River Basin, Texas 1963
Regional Water Quality Impacts of Intensive Row-Crop Agriculture: A Lake Erie Basin Case Study. 1985
Residential exposure assessment : a sourcebook / 2001
Review of fracture fluid reservoir interactions in tight gas formations. 1979
Riparian areas of the southwestern United States : hydrology, ecology, and management / 2004
Sandusky River Basin Symposium, May 2-3, 1975, Tiffin, Ohio : [proceedings] / 1976
Seasonal Variability in Prickly Pear Creek Water Quality and Macroinvertebrate Communities. 1986
Sediment, nutrient and pesticide transport in selected Lake Erie and Lake Ontario tributaries 1987
Sediment, nutrient and pesticide transport in selected Lake Erie and Lake Ontario tributaries : appendix I : nutrient and sediment transport at lake tributary monitoring stations 1982 - 1985 water years / 1986
Sediment, nutrient and pesticide transport in selected lower Great Lakes tributaries / 1988
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