Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 12
Showing: Items 1 - 12

Select Item Title Year Published
A dictionary of computer science / 2016
A report on a cooperative bacteriological study of waters from Lake Michigan in the vicinity of Dunne Crib and of treated waters of the South Chicago water supply / 1942
Biological and synthetic membranes 1989
Development of a charged grid sensor for airborne carbon fibers / 1982
Development of a Charged Grid Sensor for Airborne Carbon Fibers. 1982
Differentiation between various strains of meningococci by means of the agglutination and the absorption of agglutinins tests. 1920
Future for offshore wind energy in the United States : preprint / 2004
Ground-water resources of the Rutland area, Vermont 1983
Holistic management : a new framework for decision making / 1999
Identification and Removal of Trichloroethylene Contamination: A Case Study at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base / 1991
North American range plants 1997
North American range plants / 1992

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