Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A Primer on Nonmarket Valuation / 2017
A primer on nonmarket valuation / 2003
Catalytic oxidation of fuels for NOx control from area sources / 1976
Characterization of chemical waste site contamination and its extent using bioassays 1984
Chemical Speciation and Competitive Cationic Partitioning on a Sandy Aquifer Material. 1989
Chemistry for science and engineering 1981
Combined Chemical and Biological Oxidation of Slurry Phase Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. 1995
Demonstration of multimetal continuous emission monitors for real-time measurement of trace hazardous metals / 1997
Development of a capillary wick unsaturated zone pore water sampler. 1989
Development of a capillary wick unsaturated zone pore water sampler. 1988
Distribution of abandoned and inactive mines on national forest system lands / 1995
Documentation of EMSL-LV contribution to Dallas lead study 1984
Documentation of EMSL-LV contribution to Dallas lead study {microform} / 1984
Effects of Wastewater Treatment and Seawater Dilution in Reducing Lethal Toxicity of Municipal Wastewater to Sheepshead Minnow ('Cyprinodon variegatus') and Pink Shrimp ('Penaeus duorarum'). 1989
Essentials for animal research : a primer for research personnel / 1990
Exposure of high risk subpopulations to particles : final report (APM-21)/ 2003
Exposure Related Dose Estimating Model (ERDEM): A Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic (PBPK/PD) Model for Assessing Human Exposure and Risk. 2006
Feasibility of a heat and emission loss prevention system for area source furnaces / 1976
Field Agricultural Runoff Monitoring (FARM) manual / 1985
Fishes of Montana / 1971
Gene Structure, Organization, and Expression in Archaebacteria. 1989
Great Smoky Mountains preliminary study for biosphere reserve pollutant monitoring / 1979
History of ground-water contamination and summary of ground-water investigations through 1985 at four industrial sites, Logan Township, New Jersey 1990
Hydrogeologic Framework, Ground Water Quality, and Simulation of Ground Water Flow at the Fair Lawn Well Field Superfund Site, Bergen County, New Jersey. 2004
Hydrology of area 3, Eastern Coal Province, Pennsylvania 1981
Hydrology of Area 5, Eastern Coal Province, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and West Virginia 1981
In-vessel composting of municipal wastewater sludge / 1989
Integrated Science Assessment for Ozone and Related Photochemical Oxidants. 2011
Interagency flue gas desulfurization evaluation : final report / 1981
Interagency Flue Gas Desulfurization Evaluation. 1981
Land Treatability of Refinery and Petrochemical Sludges. 1983
Land treatability of refinery and petrochemical sludges. / 1983
Level III and IV ecoregions of Pennsylvania and the Blue Ridge Mountains, the central Appalachian Ridge and valley, and the central Appalachians of Virginia, West Virginia, and Maryland / 1996
Lognormal distribution : with special reference to its uses in economics / 1976
Lognormal distribution : with special references to its uses in economics / 1966
Low NOx combustion concepts for advanced power generation systems firing low-BTU gas / 1977
Massachusetts Bays Management System: A Valuation of Bays Resources and Uses and An Analysis of Its Regulatory and Management Structure. Report to the Massachusetts Bays Program. 1993
Modeling Geochemical Processes Attenuating Inorganic Contaminant Transport in the Subsurface Region: Adsorption on Amorphous Iron Oxide. 1989
Modeling Geochemical Processes Attenuating Inorganic Contaminant Transport in the Subsurface Region: Implementing Adsorption Processes, March 1990. 1990
Permeability of compacted soils to solvents mixtures and petroleum products 1900
Plutonium uptake by plants from soil containing plutonium-238 dioxide particles / 1977
Plutonium Uptake by Plants from Soil Containing Plutonium-238 Dioxide Particles. 1978
Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships: Diesel Engine Particulate Emission Reduction via Lube-Oil-Consumption Control. 2001
Quantification of leak rates through holes in landfill liners 1987
Quantification of leak rates through holes in landfill liners / 1987
Quantification of leak rates through holes in landfill liners / 1987
Regeneration of Caustic Soda Etch Solutions for Aluminum. 1982
Results of the first two years of commercial operation of an Organic-Acid-Enhanced FGD System / 1984
Savings estimates for the ENERGY STAR (registered trademark) voluntary labeling program: 2001 status report. 2002
Sister Chromatid Exchange and Chromosome Aberration Analyses in Mice After In vivo Exposure to Acrylonitrile, Styrene, or Butadiene Monoxide. 1986
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