Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 188
Showing: Items 1 - 50

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Select Item Title Year Published
131I dairy cow studies using a dry aerosol (Project Alfalfa) / 1969
131I dairy cow uptake studies using a submicrometer synthetic dry aerosol (Project SIP) / 1971
131I levels in cow's milk following ingestion of contaminated alfalfa or sudan grass / 1975
131I transport through the air-forage-cow-milk system using an aerosol mist (Project Rainout) / 1971
1994 environmental education report 1995
32P-Postlabeling Analysis of Aromatic DNA Adducts in Fish from Polluted Areas. 1987
A continuous flow system using fish and amphibian eggs for bioassay determinations on embryonic mortality and teratogenesis / 1977
A dictionary of economics / 2009
Actinide concentrations in tissues from cattle grazing near the Rocky Flats plant / 1975
Aflatoxin Bl Induced Hepatic Neoplasia in Great Lakes Coho Salmon. 1988
Agroforestry : sustaining native bee habitat for crop pollination / 2006
An avoidance response bioassay for aquatic pollutants : completion report / 1980
An introduction to sampling design / 2001
An overview of the technical implications of methanol and ethanol as highway motor vehicle fuels / 1991
Anaerobic digestion of lime sewage sludge 1976
Analytical procedures for characterizing unregulated pollutant emissions from motor vehicles / 1979
Animal investigation program for the Nevada test site : 1957-1981 / 1984
Aquaculture in the Ecosystem [electronic resource] / 2008
Aquatic toxicity of organic compounds to embryo-larval stages of fish and amphibians 1982
Arkansas Oil Field Wastes as Related to Lake Corney and Corney Creek Pollution in Vicinity of Arkansas-Louisiana State Line. 1949
Assessment of children's exposure to chlorpyrifos from contact with a treated lawn 1993
Assessment of Climate Change in the Southwest United States A Report Prepared for the National Climate Assessment / [electronic resource] : 2013
Atmospheric Chemistry Studies of Exhaust from Vehicles Operating with Reformulated Fuel. 1997
Automotive Hydrocarbon Emission Patterns and the Measurement of Nonmethane Hydrocarbon Emission Rates. 1977
Automotive hydrocarbon emission patterns in the measurement of nonmethane hydrocarbon emission rates 1977
Bayesian space-time downscaling fusion model (downscaler) : derived estimates of air quality for 2017 / 2020
Bayesian space-time downscaling fusion model (downscaler) : derived estimates of air quality for 2018 / 2021
Bayesian space-time downscaling fusion model (downscaler) : derived estimates of air quality for 2019 / 2022
Bayesian space-time downscaling fusion model (downscaler) : derived estimates of air quality for 2020 2023
Biogeochemistry of marine systems 2003
Black's law dictionary / 1999
Black's law dictionary / 2004
Black's law dictionary / 2014
Black's law dictionary / 2009
Black's law dictionary : definitions of the terms and phrases of American and English jurisprudence, ancient and modern / 1990
Black's law dictionary : definitions of the terms and phrases of American and English jurisprudence, ancient and modern / 1979
Black's law dictionary : definitions of the terms and phrases of American and English jurisprudence, ancient and modern / 1968
California environmental law handbook 1988
California environmental law handbook 1993
California environmental law handbook 1987
California environmental law handbook 1991
Capabilities of the Environmental Monitoring and Support Laboratory-Las Vegas / 1977
Carcinogenicity of Benzo(a)pyrene in Rainbow Trout Resulting from Embryo Microinjection. 1988
Characterization of alternative fuel vehicle emissions composition and ozone potential 1996
Characterization of Alternative Fuel Vehicle Emissions Composition and Ozone Potential. 1996
Characterization of emissions from plutonium-uranium oxide fuel fabrication / 1977
Characterization of Emissions from Vehicles Using Methanol and Methanol-Gasoline Blended Fuels. 1985
Characterization of exhaust emissions from a dual catalyst equipped vehicle / 1977
Chemiluminescence Measurement of Reactivity Weighted Ethylene-Equivalent Hydrocarbons. 1977
Composition of Automobile Evaporative and Tailpipe Hydrocarbon Emissions. 1981
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