Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 19
Showing: Items 1 - 19

Select Item Title Year Published
A guide to the selection of materials for monitoring well construction and ground-water sampling. 1984
Characterization of organic matter in soil and aquifer solids / 1997
Dissolved oxygen and oxidation potentials in ground water 1986
Environmental Research Brief: Characterization of Organic Matter in Soil and Aquifer Solids. 1997
Filtration of Ground Water Samples for Metals Analysis. 1989
Fluorometric Determination of Hydrogen Peroxide in Groundwater. 1987
Ground water issue : low-flow (minimal drawdown) ground-water sampling procedures / 1996
Handbook : ground water. 1991
Handbook ground water : Volume 1 Ground water and contamination / 1990
Handbook ground water : Volume 2 methodology / 1990
Handbook, ground water. 1990
Network Design Factors for Assessing Temporal Variability in Ground-Water Quality. 1989
Oxidation-Reduction Capacities of Aquifer Solids. 1991
Oxygen Transfer through Flexible Tubing and Its Effects on Ground Water Sampling Results (Journal Version). 1988
Practical guide for ground-water sampling / 1985
Sampling frequency for ground-water quality monitoring / 1989
Sampling Tubing Effects on Groundwater Samples. 1985
Spatial and Temporal Gradients in Aquifer Oxidation-Reduction Conditions. 1989
Well Construction and Purging Effects on Ground-Water Samples. 1986

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