Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 25
Showing: Items 1 - 25
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Arthur AND John AND J)

Select Item Title Year Published
A study of the photodegradation of commercial dyes / 1973
A study of vegetation problems associated with refuse landfills / 1978
Acidification Effects on Macroinvertebrates and Fathead Minnows ('Pimephales promelas') in Outdoor Experimental Channels. 1981
Adapting woody species and planting techniques to landfill conditions : field and laboratory investigations / 1979
Civil procedure, cases and materials / 1980
Comparative toxicity of sewage-effluent disinfection to freshwater aquatic life / 1975
Critical care medicine : the essentials / 2010
Discovering the future : the business of paradigms / 1989
Effect of Elevated Water Temperature on Insect Emergence in Outdoor Experimental Channels. 1981
Effects of acidic deposition on aquatic resources in the Southern Appalachians with a special focus on class I wilderness areas / 1996
Estuarine and coastal land reclamation and water storage 1979
Evaluation of low order stream quality in central Iowa / 1997
Evaluation of watershed quality in the Minnesota River basin / 1994
Evaluation of watershed quality in the Saginaw River Basin / 1996
Habitat suitability index models pronghorn / 1984
Health effects of halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons / 1979
Life Cycle of the Freshwater Snail 'Campeloma decisum' (Viviparidae) in the Laboratory. 1981
Phenolics in aquatic ecosystems : a selected review of recent literature / 1979
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Ground Water Ecology : Tampa, Florida, April 26-29, 1992 / 1992
Study of the Barringer refractor plate correlation spectrometer as a remote sensing instrument, 1970
The biological effects of oil pollution on littoral communities : proceedings of a symposium held at the Orielton Field Centre, Pembroke, Wales, on 17th, 18th and 19th February 1968 / 1968
Treatment and disposal of wastes pumped from septic tanks / 1977
User handbook for the allocation of compliance monitoring resources / 1976
Volatile Organic Compound Emission Inventory for Non-Attainment Areas in Louisiana. 1978
Volatile Organic Compound Emission Inventory for Pulaski County, Arkansas. 1978

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