Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A Chamber and modeling study to assess the photochemistry of formaldehyde / 1990
Advanced Techniques for Evaluating Eulerian Air Quality Models: Background and Methodology. 1998
Air Pollution Bibliography. Volume II. 1959
Assessment and Implementation of In-Stream Value Studies for the Northern Great Plains. 1974
Carpools, Vanpools, and High Occupancy Preference Lanes: Cost Effectiveness and Feasibility. 1977
Chemical Use Standard Encoding System (ChemUSES). Volume II. Function List and Function List Index. 1980
Colony Formation Enhancement of Rat Tracheal and Nasal Epithelial Cells by Polyacetate, Indole Alkaloid, and Phorbol Ester Tumor Promoters. 1987
Consequences of increased coal utilization / 1979
DDT in the Diet of the Rat: Its Effect on DDT Storage, Liver Function and Cell Morphology. 1956
Development of Guidelines for Identification and Evaluation of Localized Violations of Carbon Monoxide Standards. 1976
Digital-model study of ground-water hydrology, Columbia Basin Irrigation Project area, Washington / 1974
Energy transfer and organic photochemistry 1969
First Results from Operational Testing of the U.S. EPA Models3-Community Multiscale Model for Air Quality (CMAQ). 2001
Geology and ground-water resources in eastern Cheyenne and Kiowa Counties, Colorado 1964
Ground-water development in the high plains of Colorado / {by} Arnold J. Boettcher with a section on Chemical quality of the ground water by Robert Brennan 1966
Ground-water flow simulation of the Columbia Plateau regional aquifer system, Washington, Oregon, and Idaho 1994
Ground-water map of the Chepachet Quadrangle, Rhode Island : showing water-bearing formations and related ground-water data / 1961
Ground-water map of the Clayville Quadrangle, Rhode Island : showing water-bearing formations and related ground-water data / 1962
Ground-water map of the Rhode Island parts of the Thompson and East Killingly Quadrangles : showing water-bearing formations and related ground-water data / 1962
Ground-water resources of three areas on the Spokane and Kalispel Indian Reservations, northeastern Washington 1997
High Time-Resolved Comparisons for In-Depth Probing of CMAQ Fine-Particles and Gas Predictions. 2004
Hydrogeologic framework of the Puget Sound aquifer system, Washington and British Columbia / 1998
Hydrology of the San Luis Valley, south-central Colorado 1971
Impact of coal development in the Fort Union basin, Montana and neighboring states 1974
In vivo and In vitro Characteristics of Early Carcinogen-Induced Premalignant Phenotypes in Cultured Rat Tracheal Epithelial Cells (Journal Version). 1988
Integrated science assessment for carbon monoxide [electronic resource] / 2010
Investigation of porous pavements for urban runoff control / 1972
Investigation of Porous Pavements for Urban Runoff Control. 1972
Investigation of rates and mechanisms of reactions. 1961
Isolation and Long-Term Culture of Rat, Rabbit, and Human Nasal Turbinate Epithelial Cells. 1986
Managing Wisconsin's environment : the people--resource relationship / 1982
Method 282.3 : the determination of tributyltin chloride in marine and fresh waters by liquid-solid extraction (LSE) and gas chromatography with electron-capture dectection (GC/ECD) / 1989
Methods of soil analysis. 1994
Monitoring of trace constituents during PCB recovery dredging operations : Duwamish waterway / 1977
National human adipose tissue survey quality assurance project plan program 1988
Parameter estimation in engineering and science / 1977
Power of environmental partnerships 1995
Preliminary guidance for estimating erosion on areas disturbed by surface mining activities in the interior western United States, interim final report / 1977
Pretreatment of industrial wastes : Joint Municipal & Industrial Seminar : Seminar handout. 1978
Probability and statistics in the engineering and computing sciences 1986
Probable effects of acid precipitation on Pennsylvania waters / 1980
Proposal to use humans for pesticide testing Inspection Branch report / 1977
Proposed regulations for the control of organic chemical contaminants in drinking water / 1978
Prospects for irrigation in eastern Cheyenne and Kiowa Counties, Colorado / 1963
R&D management : methods used by Federal agencies / 1974
Safety of Malathion Dusting Powder for Louse Control. 1960
Seasonality and quality of eggs produced by female striped bass (morone saxatilis) in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers 1994
Soil Mechanics and Transport in Porous Media Selected Works of G. de Josselin de Jong / [electronic resource] : 2006
Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater / 1981
Stratigraphy and Economic Geology of the Great Falls-Lewistown Coal Field, Center Montana 1967
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