Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 49
Showing: Items 1 - 49
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Anderson AND William AND S)

Select Item Title Year Published
A comparison of Benthic macroinvertebrates collected by Dredge and Limestone substrate sampler / 1967
A study of the marine resources of the Parker River-Plum Island Sound estuary / 1968
Applied groundwater modeling : simulation of flow and advective transport / 1992
Applied groundwater modeling : simulation of flow and advective transport / 2015
Aquifers in the Sokoto Basin, northwestern Nigeria : with a description of the general hydrogeology of the region / 1973
Ballentine's law dictionary, with pronunciations / 1969
Biotechnology deskbook / 2001
Characterization of visibility-reducing aerosols in the Southwest : Project VISTTA progress report no. 1 / 1979
Comparison of Benthic Macroinvertebrates Collected by Dredge and Limestone Substrate Sampler. 1967
Cost-effectiveness analysis of final effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry. 1998
Design of a particulate aerodynamic test facility / 1971
Development of bioassay procedures for defining pollution of harbor sediments. Part I / 1981
Distribution of submerged vascular plants, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland / 1983
Ecological provinces of Oregon : a treatise on the basic ecological geography of the state / 1998
Ecology of the lower Colorado River from Davis Dam to the Mexico-United States international boundary : a community profile / 1988
Economic analysis and cost-effectiveness analysis of proposed effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the landfills point source catagory. 1998
Economic analysis of final effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the iron and steel industry / 2002
Economic analysis of final effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the landfills point source category. 1999
Geologic map and sections of San Pablo quadrangle, New Mexico / 1973
Innovative site remediation technology / 1993
Innovative site remediation technology : bioremediation / 1995
Innovative site remediation technology : chemical treatment / 1994
Innovative site remediation technology : design and application / 1997
Innovative site remediation technology : soil washing/soil flushing / 1993
Innovative site remediation technology : solidification/stabilization / 1994
Innovative site remediation technology : solvent/chemical extraction / 1995
Innovative site remediation technology : stabilization/solidification / 1997
Innovative site remediation technology : thermal desorption / 1993
Innovative site remediation technology : thermal destruction / 1994
Innovative site remediation technology : vacuum vapor extraction / 1995
Innovative site remediation technology: design and application chemical treatment / 1997
Laws and institutional mechanisms controlling the release of pesticides into the environment / 1972
Macroinvertebrate collections and water quality monitoring in the Ohio River basin, 1963-1967 / 1971
Managing the environment; an economic primer, 1972
Market acceptance of smart growth / 2011
Midwest Interstate Sulfur Transformation and Transport Project : aerial measurements of urban and power plant plumes, Summer 1974 / 1976
Physical Chemical Treatment of a Combined Sewer Impacted Secondary Effluent. 1980
Pollutant measurements in plumes from power plants and cities : St. Louis Area, July 1976, a Project MISTT report / 1979
Pollutant measurements in plumes from power plants and cities : Summer 1975, February 1976, and February 1977 : a project MISTT report / 1978
Regulatory Aspects of Waste Heat Management and Utilization. 1982
Shutdown/startup test program emission test report : Marion County Solid Waste-To-Energy Facility, Inc., Ogden Martin Systems of Marion, Brooks, Oregon. Volume I, Summary of results / 1988
Soil survey of Pushmataha County, Oklahoma 1979
Stabilization/solidification / 1994
The Feasibility of using fiber optics for monitoring groundwater contaminants : II. organic chloride optrode / 1985
The making of the fittest : natural selection and adaptation, the birth and death of genes, natural selection in humans / 2011
The use of limestone-filled samplers for collecting macroinvertebrates from large streams : water pollution surveillance system application and development report # 17 / 1966
Thermal desorption / 1993
Transition zones of forested inland wetlands in northeastern Connecticut 1978
Wastewater Treatment Facilities Planning in the Boston Metropolitan Area - A Case Study. 1979

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