Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A mesoscale windfield analysis of the Los Angeles basin / 1977
A Toxicity evaluation of lower Fox River water and sediments / 1986
A User guide to assessing proper functioning condition and the supporting science for lotic areas / 1998
Abundance and Age Structure of Skagit River Steelhead Smolts: 2012 Annual Report. 2013
Adaptation of Mixed Flask Culture Microcosms for Testing the Survival and Effects of Introduced Microorganisms. 1989
Air quality criteria for oxides of nitrogen : final report. 1982
Air Quality Impacts of Anticipated Development in Oil Shale Operations in Western Colorado and Eastern Utah, Final Report 1981
Air Quality in the Denver Metropolitan Region 1974-2000. 1977
Air quality in the Denver Metropolitan Region : 1974-2000 / 1977
American Association of Retired Persons : senior environmental employment program. 1990
Analysis of Alternative Policies for Attaining and Maintaining a Short-Term NO2 Standard. Executive Summary. 1979
AQUIRE: Aquatic Toxicity Information Retrieval Data Base. 1989
Assessment of VOC emissions from well vents associated with thermally enhanced oil recovery : final report / 1981
ASTER: An Integration of the ACQUIRE Data Base and the QSAR System for Use in Ecological Risk Assessments. 1991
ASTER: An Integration of the AQUIRE Database and the QSAR System for Use in Ecological Risk Assessments. 1990
Attainment status and PSD increment analyses for Port Angeles, Washington / 1980
Biological effects of extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields : in vivo studies / 1991
Bioremediation of recalcitrant organics / 1995
CDD/CDF, metals, HCl, SO2, NOX, CO and particulate testing : Marion County Solid Waste-to-Energy Facility, Inc., Ogden Martin Systems of Marion, Brooks, Oregon / 1988
Characterization of visibility-reducing aerosols in the Southwest : Project VISTTA progress report no. 1 / 1979
Characterization test report : Marion County, Solid Waste-to-Energy Facility, Inc., Ogden Martin Systems of Marion, Brooks, Oregon / 1988
Charge Measurements on Individual Particles Exiting Laboratory Precipitators with Positive and Negative Corona at Various Temperatures. 1980
Chemical, Aerosol and Optical Measurements in the Plumes of Three Midwestern Coal-Fired Power Plants. 1985
Chronic Effects of Inorganic and Organic Mercury on 'Daphnia magna': Toxicity, Accumulation, and Loss. 1982
Chronic Effects of Low pH and Elevated Aluminum on Survival, Maturation, Spawning and Embryo-Larval Development of the Fathead Minnow in Soft Water. 1989
Colorado water laws : a compilation of statutes, regulations, compacts and selected cases / 1987
Comparative Potency Method for Cancer Risk Assessment: Application to Diesel Particulate Emissions. 1983
Conservation directory : 1999 : a guide to worldwide environmental organizations / 1999
Continued Research in Mesoscale Air Pollution Simulation Modeling. Volume 5. Refinements in Numerical Analysis, Transport, Chemistry, and Pollutant Removal. 1984
CZAEM user's guide : modeling capture zones of ground-water wells using analytic elements / 1994
Definitive SOx control process evaluations : limestone, lime, and magnesia FGD processes / 1980
Development document for final effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the iron and steel manufacturing point source category [electronic resource]. 2002
Development of a rapid analytical method for determining asbestos in water / 1978
Development of statistical distributions or ranges of standard factors used in exposure assessments : final report / 1985
Development of statistical distributions or ranges of standard factors used in exposure assessments : project summary / 1989
Ecological provinces of Oregon : a treatise on the basic ecological geography of the state / 1998
Ecologies of the heart : emotion, belief, and the environment / 1996
Economic analysis and risk management : an application to hazardous wastes / 1984
Economic analysis of final effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the iron and steel industry / 2002
Effect of snowmelt on the quality of Filson Creek and Omaday Lake, northeastern Minnesota / 1981
Effects of Ozone and Soil Water Deficit on Roots and Shoots of Field-Grown Soybeans. 1988
Emission test report : CDD/CDF, metals, HCl, SO2, and particulate testing: Marion County, Solid Waste-to-Energy Facility, Inc., Ogden Martin Systems of Marion, Brooks, Oregon : volume I: summary of results / 1987
Emission test report : Sloan Construction Company, asphalt concrete plant, Cocoa, Florida / 1984
Evaluation of Encapsulants for Sprayed-On Asbestos-Containing Materials in Buildings. 1987
Evaluation of soil washing technology results of bench-scale experiments on petroleum-fuels contaminated soils / 1991
Example modeling to illustrate SIP development for the PM10 NAAQS / 1987
Extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields : the question of cancer / 1990
Factors in the Determination of Selected Trace Elements in Near-Shore U. S. Waters of Lakes Superior and Huron. 1978
Field and laboratory testing of a compacted soil liner / 1990
Fired heaters : nitrogen oxides emissions and controls / 1988
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