Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 51
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Your Search: (AUTHOR=Anderson AND David)

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Select Item Title Year Published
An approach to the study of multiple toxicity through the derivation and use of quantal response curves / 1973
Comparative Toxicity of Arsenic Compounds and Their Accumulation in Invertebrates and Fish. 1980
Compartmental modeling and tracer kinetics 1983
Contaminants in the Upper Mississippi River : proceedings of the 15th Annual Meeting of the Mississippi River Research Consortium / 1984
Ecological Analyses of Potential Shale Oil Products Pipeline Corridors in Colorado and Utah and Alternate Shale Oil Products Transportation Studies 1973
Economic analysis of controls on asbestos and asbestos products : final report / 1982
Effect of Organic Fluids on the Permeability of Clay Soil Liners. 1982
Emission factors for trace substances / 1973
Environmental economics : [and natural resource management] / 2006
Estimation of density from line transect sampling of biological populations 1980
Ethnographies of conservation : environmentalism and the distribution of privilege / 2003
Field and laboratory testing of a compacted soil liner / 1990
Freeboard determination and management in hazardous waste surface impoundments / 1989
Freeboard determination and management in hazardous waste surface impoundments / 1988
Gas purification by adsorption 1973
Geophysical research on the Great Lakes / 1964
Hormones and energy metabolism 1979
Interpreted geologic history of the Sedro-Woolley North and Lyman 7.5-minute quadrangles, western Skagit County, Washington / 2000
Introduction to management science : quantitative approaches to decision making / 1979
Isopach, Inyan Kara Formation / 1987
Lake Erie : recent observations on some of its physical and chemical properties : part I / 1964
Large soil absorption systems for wastewaters from multiple-home developments / 1986
Large soil absorption systems for wastewaters from multiple-home developments / 1986
Lead detectors : a mystery regarding the dangers of lead / 1996
Little-known mid-Paleozoic salts of northwestern North Dakota / 1984
Manganese dioxide coated filters for removing radium from drinking water / 1989
Model selection and inference : a practical information-theoretic approach / 1998
Model selection and multimodel inference : a practical information-theoretic approach / 2002
National emissions inventory of sources and emissions of chromium. 1973
National emissions inventory of sources and emissions of molybdenum. 1973
National emissions inventory of sources and emissions of phosphorus. 1973
National forests : policies for the future. 1988
Physical and biological investigations of the main channel border habitat of pool 5A on the Upper Mississippi River in 1980 1983
Planning for water shortages water reallocations and transfers drought management : proceedings from the 1989 regional meetings, Boise, Idaho, August 24-25, 1989, St. Louis, Missouri, October 19-21, 1989 / 1990
Pollutants in the San Francisco Bay estuary / 2007
Proceedings: Workshop on Environmental Aspects of Geothermal Resources Development / 1974
Public hearing : proposed airborne carcinogen policy. 1980
Public hearing : proposed airborne carcinogen policy. 1980
Public hearing : proposed airborne carcinogen policy. 1980
Public Hearing : Proposed National Emission Standards for Identifying, Assessing and Regulating Airborne Substances Posing a Risk of Cancer and Advanced Notice of Proposed Generic Standards. 1980
Quantitative assessments of health risks by selected federal regulatory agencies : a review of present practices with special attention to non-carcinogenic substances ; prepared for Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency / 1980
Restoring and creating wetlands : a handbook for the Rocky Mountain West / 1993
Saving oiled seabirds. 1978
Seasonal Climate: Forecasting and Managing Risk [electronic resource] / 2008
SMILES, a line notation and computerized interpreter for chemical structures / 1987
Synthetic fuels from coal : overview and assessment 1979
The combined effects of nickel, chlorine, and temperature on the mortality of rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri / 1981
The thermal regime of Georgian Bay (1953, 1954) 1967
Toxicity and Bioaccumulation of Endrin and Methoxychlor in Aquatic Invertebrates and Fish. 1980
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency public hearing on proposed national emission standards for identifying, assessing and regulating airborne substances posing a risk of cancer and advanced notice of proposed generic standards. 1980
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