Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 46
Showing: Items 1 - 46
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Allen AND James AND A)

Select Item Title Year Published
Alternative approaches to the financial evaluation of industrial pollution prevention investments : prepared for: New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Science and Research, Project no. P32250 / 1991
Amchitka bioenvironmental program research on the sea otter, Amchitka Island, Alaska final report / 1973
Atlas and zoogeography of common fishes in the Bering Sea and Northeastern Pacific 1988
Atlas of Hawaii. 1973
Bottomland hardwood reforestation in the lower Mississippi Valley. 1989
Comparison of fossil and wood fuels / 1976
Cost assessment for the emplacement of hazardous materials in a salt mine / 1977
Determination of cyanates in polluted water 1900
Development document for proposed effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the animal feed, breakfast cereal, and wheat starch segments of the grain mills point source category / 1974
Ecology of hydric hammocks : a community profile / 1989
Ecology of red maple swamps in the glaciated northeast : a community profile / 1993
Environmental effects of Western coal combustion. 1978
Environmental effects of western coal combustion. Part I, The fishes of Rosebud Creek, Montana / 1978
Environmental injustice in the United States : myths and realities / 2001
Evaluation of air pollution control devices for hazardous waste combustion 1983
Evaluation of beef cattle feedlot waste management alternatives / 1971
Federal appellate practice / 2008
Field calibration of computer models for application to buried liquid discharges a status report / 1984
Fugitive particulate emissions from hazardous waste sites 1984
Genetic and environmental factors involved in increased resistance of brook trout to sulfuric acid solutions and mine acid polluted waters / 1978
Habitat suitability index models. Moose, Lake Superior region / 1987
Hydric hammocks : a guide to management / 1989
Investigation of a Northeastern Wisconsin Lake Ecosystem: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Phase I. Approach and Preliminary Survey. 1972
Investigation of a Northeastern Wisconsin Lake Ecosystem: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Phase II. Management Problems and Alternatives. 1973
Lessons learned on planning and scoping for environmental risk assessments / 2002
Metal speciation by Donnan analysis. / 1984
Metal speciation theory, analysis, and application / 1988
Mineral processing pretreatment of contaminated sediments / 1994
Mobile genetic elements 1983
Nutrients in natural waters, 1972
Otter trawl survey of the central Orange County coast 1973
Preliminary assessment of hazardous waste pretreatment as an air pollution control technique {Microfiche} 1986
Recovery of copper from Michigan stamp sands / 1970
Reestablishment of bottomland hardwood forests on disturbed sites : an annotated bibliography / 1988
Restoration of lower St. Regis Lake (Franklin County, New York) / 1977
SCE (Sister Chromatid Exchanges) Analysis in Lymphocytes. 1983
SCE and Meitotic Crossover Exchange in Germ Cells. 1983
Small lakes and ponds : their construction and care / 1973
Synthesis and purification of carcinogenic polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon standards / 1974
Testing the toxicity of field collected sediments / 1991
Tissue-Specific Sister Chromatid Exchange Analyses in Mutagen-Carcinogen Exposed Animals. 1983
Treatment of packinghouse wastes by anaerobic lagoons and plastic media filters / 1974
Use of small otter trawls in coastal biological surveys / 1978
Use of water by riparian vegetation, Cottonwood Wash, Arizona, 1968
Utilization of dissolved organic carbon by heterotrophic bacteria and protozoa project completion report / 1979
Vanishing of the bees : little bee, big mystery / 2010

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