Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 60
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Your Search: (AUTHOR=Allen AND David AND T)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A bibliography on marine and estuarine oil pollution : supplement 3 / 1979
Additional SAB recommendations for EPA's FY2013 scientific and technological achievement awards / 2015
Analyzing experimental data by regression 1982
Apparent chlorofluorocarbon age of ground water of the shallow aquifer system, Naval Weapons Station Yorktown, Yorktown, Virginia 2001
Benefits and costs of Clean Air Act : air quality modeling issues / 2006
Beyond business as usual : meeting the challenge of hazardous waste / 1988
Bibliography on marine and estuarine oil pollution; 1971
Comparison of fossil and wood fuels / 1976
Concern about the future of the Science to Achieve Results (STAR) fellowship program / 2014
Daily Growth of the Juvenile Fish (Menidia menidia) in the Natural Habitat Compared with Juveniles Reared in the Laboratory. 1981
Effect on commercial fishing of petroleum development off the northeastern United States : a study conducted within the Marine Policy and Ocean Management Program of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 1976
Effects of exposure to toxic gases : first aid and medical treatment / 1977
Environmental effects of Western coal combustion. 1978
Environmental injustice in the United States : myths and realities / 2001
Evaluation and validation of total suspended particulate NAAQS exceedances : Fall River, Massachusetts 1975-1976 / 1977
Factors affecting coal substitution for other fossil fuels in electric power production and industrial uses : a background paper / 1975
Fish tissue survey for polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenszofurans in Texas 1984
Getting things done : the art of stress-free productivity / 2003
Getting things done : the art of stress-free productivity / 2001
GIS guidebook: Writing Arcade expressions for ArcGIS Pro / 2019
GIS tutorial 2 : spatial analysis workbook / 2011
GIS tutorial 3 : advanced workbook / 2011
Green engineering : environmentally conscious design of chemical processes / 2002
Hozhoo Hooghan = Environmental harmony at home / 1995
Hozhoo Keyah = Environmental harmony in business / 1995
Hydrogeology of, and quality and recharge ages of ground water in Prince William County, Virginia, 1990-91 / 1997
Intermedia pollutant transport : modeling and field measurements / 1989
Lessons learned on planning and scoping for environmental risk assessments / 2002
Metals in groundwater / 1993
Methods development for assessing air pollution control benefits / 1979
Methods development for assessing air pollution control benefits {microform} / 1979
Pesticides and planning for emergencies : prevention, reaction, and response / 1999
Pollution prevention : homework & design problems for engineering curricula / 1992
Pollution prevention for chemical processes 1997
Pollution prevention for chemical processes a handbook with solved problems from the refining and chemical processing industries / 1994
Professional ASP.NET MVC 5 / 2014
Public policy applications of life-cycle assessment : proceedings from the Workshop on Application of Life-Cycle Assessment to Public Policy , 14-19 August 1995, Wintergreen, Virginia, USA / 1997
Recovery of copper from Michigan stamp sands / 1970
Regulating the automobile / 1977
Review of EPA's draft assessment entitled Toxicological Review of Libby Amphibole Asbestos (August 2011) / 2013
Review of EPA's draft oil spill research strategy / 2011
SAB advice on advancing the application of CompTox research for EPA chemical assessments / 2014
SAB advice on approaches to derive a maximum contaminant level goal for perchlorate / 2013
SAB meeting with Gina McCarthy / 2013
SAB recommendations for EPA's FY 2014 scientific and technological achievement awards / 2015
SAB recommendations for EPA's FY2013 Scientific and Technological Achievement Awards / 2014
SAB review of emissions-estimating methodologies for broiler animal feeding operations and for lagoons and basins at swine and dairy animal feeding operations / 2013
SAB review of EPA's Retrospective Cost Study of the Costs of EPA Regulations: an Interim Report of Five Case Studies (March 2012) / 2013
SAB review of the draft EPA report Connectivity of Streams and Wetlands to Downstream Waters: A Review and Synthesis of the Scientific Evidence / 2014
Science advice and EPA priority topics / 2014
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