Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
1983 National Conference on Environmental Engineering proceedings of the ASCE specialty conference, Hilton Harvest House, Boulder, Colorado, July 6-8, 1983 / 1983
A bibliography on marine and estuarine oil pollution : supplement 3 / 1979
A combined potential and momentum roll-up model for the jet in cross flow / 1972
A comparison of nitrogen fixation (acetylene reduction) rates in seagrass communities dominated by Thalassia Testudinum and Halodule Wrightii / 1988
A controlled bioassay system for measuring toxicity of heavy metals / 1977
A dynamic three-dimensional air pollution exposure model for Hong Kong / 2018
A manual of European languages for librarians / 1975
A method for estimating fugitive particulate emissions from hazardous waste sites / 1987
A model to estimate hazardous emissions from coke oven doors / 1980
A predictive boundary layer model / 1975
A review of the international surveillance program for the Great Lakes as it relates to water quality / 1979
A study of nitrification and denitrification / 1970
A study of nitrification and denitrification, 1970
A summary of hazardous substance classification systems / 1975
A two-year water quality monitoring curriculum / 1975
A well system to recover usable water from a freshwater-saltwater aquifer in Puerto Rico / 1988
Ability of drinking water contaminants to inhibit phorbol esters from binding to protein kinase C 1987
Access power programming with VBA 2003
Acidic precipitation a technical amplification of NAPAP's findings : proceedings of an APCA International conference / 1988
Actions for survival : saving lives in the immediate hours after release of radioactive or other toxic agents / 2011
Adaptive Management of Social-Ecological Systems [electronic resource] / 2015
Additional SAB recommendations for EPA's FY2013 scientific and technological achievement awards / 2015
Advances in applied microbiology. 1984
Advances in applied microbiology. 1983
Advances in storm and combined sewer pollution abatement technology, 1971
Advances in Storm and Combined Sewer Pollution Control Abatement Technology. 1971
Air pollution 1970
Air pollution and how it affects plants 1973
Air Pollution Potential in the Piceance Basin 1975
Air pollution potential in the Piceance Basin / 1975
Air pollution-land use planning project, phase I; final report: July 1971, 1971
Air pollution/land use planning project / 1973
Airborne investigations of clear air turbulence with optical radar / 1966
Allergy 1997
Alternative approaches to the financial evaluation of industrial pollution prevention investments : prepared for: New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Science and Research, Project no. P32250 / 1991
Amchitka bioenvironmental program research on the sea otter, Amchitka Island, Alaska final report / 1973
America's agricultural land base in 1977. 1980
Ammonia Effects on Microinvertebrates and Fish in Outdoor Experimental Streams. 1987
Anaconda Copper smelter case 1981
Analytical techniques in occupational health chemistry 1980
Analytical techniques in occupational health chemistry : based on a symposium / 1980
Analyzing experimental data by regression 1982
Annotated bibliography on bald and golden eagles in Washington 1980
Annual Review of Literature, 1951. I. Stream Pollution. II. Analytical Methods. III. Radioactive Wastes. 1952
APL/360; an interactive approach 1970
Apparent chlorofluorocarbon age of ground water of the shallow aquifer system, Naval Weapons Station Yorktown, Yorktown, Virginia 2001
Appendix to Entrainment at a Once-Through Cooling System on Western Lake Erie. Volume II. Appendices. 1978
Application of Benchmark Dose Methodology to a Variety of Endpoints and Exposures. 1997
Application of benchmark dose methodology to data from prenatal developmental toxicity studies. 1995
Applied group theory for chemists, physicists and engineers. 1971
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