Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A study of nitrification and denitrification / 1970
A study of nitrification and denitrification, 1970
A two-year water quality monitoring curriculum / 1975
Analyzing experimental data by regression 1982
Annual Review of Literature, 1951. I. Stream Pollution. II. Analytical Methods. III. Radioactive Wastes. 1952
Application of Benchmark Dose Methodology to a Variety of Endpoints and Exposures. 1997
Application of benchmark dose methodology to data from prenatal developmental toxicity studies. 1995
Atlas and zoogeography of common fishes in the Bering Sea and Northeastern Pacific 1988
Availability of water in Kalamazoo County, southwestern Michigan / 1972
Benthal decomposition of adsorbed oil pollutants 1970
Biological Invasions in New Zealand [electronic resource] / 2006
Bleomycin Effects on Mouse Meiotic Chromosomes. 1990
Calculations of pre-mining geochemical baselines at three stream junctions in the vicinity of Summitville, Colorado 1995
Carbon Monoxide Commuter Exposure Data Base: A 5-Day Study in Los Angeles. 1981
Channel and hillslope processes revisited in the Arroyo de los Frijoles watershed near Santa Fe, New Mexico. [electronic resource] 2005
Comparison of the Colilert method and standard fecal colifom methods / 1994
Cytogenetic Analyses of Mice Exposed to Dichloromethane. 1990
Cytogenetic Studies of Mice Exposed to Styrene by Inhalation. 1992
Emissions measurement and testing, 2011 / 2011
Environmental and resource conservation considerations of steel industry solid waste / 1979
Enzyme engineering 7 1984
Epidemiologic studies of virus transmission in swimming waters / 1980
Field calibration of computer models for application to buried liquid discharges a status report / 1984
Field testing : application of combustion modifications to control pollutant emissions from industrial boilers, phase I / 1974
Fitzpatrick's color atlas and synopsis of clinical dermatology / 2005
Fuel Contaminants: Volume 3. Control of Coal-related Pollutants. 1979
Further Evidence That Dichloromethane Does Not Induce Chromosome Damage. 1990
Ground-water map of the Crompton Quadrangle, Rhode Island : showing water-bearing formations and related ground-water data / 1959
Ground-water map of the East Providence quadrangle, Massachusetts--Rhode Island : showing water-bearing formations and related ground-water data / 1959
Ground-water map of the Fall River Quadrangle, Massachusetts-Rhode Island : showing water-bearing formations and related ground-water data / 1960
Ground-water map of the Rhode Island parts of the Attleboro, Blackstone, Franklin, Oxford, and Uxbridge Quadrangles : showing water-bearing formations and related ground-water data / 1962
Guardian of the wild : the story of the National Wildlife Federation, 1936-1986 / 1987
Guidelines for statistical analysis of occupational exposure data : final / 1994
Human Infective Dose Determinations for Oral Poliovirus Type 1 Vaccine in Infants. 1981
Hydrologic characteristics and sustained yield of principal ground-water units, Potowomut-Wickford area, Rhode Island, 1968
Investigation of a Northeastern Wisconsin Lake Ecosystem: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Phase I. Approach and Preliminary Survey. 1972
Investigation of a Northeastern Wisconsin Lake Ecosystem: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Phase II. Management Problems and Alternatives. 1973
Investigation of cancer risk assessment methods / 1987
Investigation of cancer risk assessment methods summary / 1987
Investigation of Cancer Risk Assessment Methods. Volume 1. Introduction and Epidemiology. 1987
Investigation of Cancer Risk Assessment Methods. Volume 2. Bioassay Data Base. 1987
Kinetochore-Staining of Spermatid Micronuclei: Studies of Mice Treated with X-Radiation or Acrylamide. 1992
Macroinvertebrate survey of the upper Hudson River, New York, 1972 : prepared for and in cooperation with Bureau of Monitoring & Surveillance, Division of Pure Waters, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation / 1974
Manpower Analysis: Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities in New England. 1972
Manufactured Gas Plant Remediation : A Case Study / 2018
Method for the selection of reference wetlands / 1989
Numerical modeling in science and engineering 1988
Operating and maintenance costs survey of FGD systems 1983
Pacific Transmission Supply Company, Sand Ridge II, Mesaverde massive hydraulic fracture project, Uintah County, Utah : final report / 1978
Petroleum systems reliability analysis : a program for prevention of oil spills using an engineering approach to a study of offshore and onshore crude oil petroleum systems / 1973
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