Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 163
Showing: Items 51 - 100

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Select Item Title Year Published
DNA tumor viruses 1981
Early life-stage toxicity of copper to endangered and surrogate fish species / 2001
Early markers of lung injury 1989
Effect of highway landscape development on nearby property 1969
Effective Perceived Noise Level Versus Distance Curves for Civil Aircraft. 1976
Effects of acidic deposition on aquatic resources in the Southern Appalachians with a special focus on class I wilderness areas / 1996
Effects on Cattle from Exposure to Sewage Sludge. 1983
Electric analog studies of flow to wells in the Punjab aquifer of West Pakistan / 1972
Emerging technologies for the control of hazardous wastes / 1982
Encyclopedia of fishes 1998
Encyclopedia of fishes 1995
Energy and water consumption of Pacific Northwest irrigation systems / 1977
Environmental analysis 1994
Environmental catalysis / 1994
Environmental pathways of selected chemicals in freshwater systems / 1977
Environmental pathways of selected chemicals in freshwater systems : Part II. Laboratory studies. / 1978
Establishment and growth of selected freshwater and coastal marsh plants in relation to characteristics of dredged sediments : final report / 1977
Establishment of the influence zone for physical changes to an estuarine environment: an Apalachicola Bay example 1983
Evaluation of the efficiency of industrial flares : flare head design and gas composition / 1985
Evaluation of the efficiency of industrial flares : flare head design and gas composition / 1986
Evaluation of the efficiency of industrial flares : H2S gas mixtures and pilot assisted flares / 1986
Experiments in Green and Sustainable Chemistry / 2009
Fabric filter costs for large coal-fired system generators / 1977
Final report on interlaboratory cooperative study of the precision and accuracy of the determination of the relative density of black smoke (Ringelmann method) using ASTM method D 3211-73 T / 1974
Final report on interlaboratory cooperative study of the precision of the determination of the average velocity in a duct (pitot tube method) using ASTM method D 3154-72 / 1974
Flame and combustion 1985
Flue gas monitoring techniques : manual determination of gaseous pollutants 1974
Fluidized-Bed Combustion Technology Overview. 1981
Geohydrology of North Eastern Province, Kenya : prepared in cooperation with the Water Department, Kenya Ministry of Agriculture under the auspices of the U.S. Agency for International Developments / 1977
Geology of Texas County, Oklahoma / 1926
Ground-water resources in southern Oahu, Hawaii / 1964
Guidance for network design and optimum site exposure for PM2.5 and PM10 1997
Guidance for using continuous monitors in PM2.5 monitoring networks 1998
Guidelines for developing an air quality (ozone and PM2.5) forecasting program. 2003
Historical changes in large river fish assemblages of the Americas 2005
I.A method for estimating the potency of smallpox vaccine / 1927
IJC Menomonee River Watershed Study: Ground Hydrology. Volume 7. 1979
Immunological techniques in microbiology 1987
Impact of coal and oil shale products on gasoline composition, 1976-2000 : task one : final report / 1976
Impact of Imposing a Water Quality Standard on a Live Stream. 1971
Improved chemical methods for sampling and analysis of gaseous pollutants from the combustion of fossil fuels / 1971
Improved chemical methods for sampling and analysis of gaseous pollutants from the combustion of fossil fuels. 1971
Industrial fluorosis : a study of the hazard to man and animals near Fort William, Scotland / 1949
Influence of experimental pulmonary emphysema on toxicological effects from inhaled nitrogen dioxide and diesel exhaust / 1990
Inositol and phosphoinositides : metabolism and regulation 1985
Interactions between surface water and groundwater in a Virginia coastal plain watershed 1992
Interim final environmental impact assessment guidelines for new source coal gasification facilities. 1980
Investigation of selected potential environmental contaminants : monohalomethanes : final report / 1977
Kinetics of Chemical Degradation of Malathion in Water. 1976
Kraft mill effluents in Ontario report prepared for the Technical Advisory Committee, Pulp and Paper Sector of MISA, Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Toronto, Ontario, Canada / 1988
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