Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 13
Showing: Items 1 - 13
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Albert AND Roy AND E)

Select Item Title Year Published
Assessing Carcinogenic Risk Resulting from Complex Mixtures. 1982
Carcinogen Assessment Group's final report on population risk to ambient benzene exposures / 1979
Carcinogen Assessment Group's preliminary report on POM exposures. 1978
Carcinogen Assessment Group's preliminary report on population risk to ambient coke oven exposures. 0
Effects of Short-Term Exposures to Sulfuric Acid and Ammonium Sulfate Aerosols Upon Bronchial Airway Function in the Donkey. 1978
Public hearing : proposed airborne carcinogen policy. 1980
Public hearing : proposed airborne carcinogen policy. 1980
Review and evaluation of Monument Street (Baltimore) landfill 1983
Risk assessment and indoor air quality 1999
Temporal aspects of tumorigenic response to individual and mixed carcinogens / 1978
The Carcinogen Assessment Group's assessment of carcinogenic risk from population exposure to cadmium in the ambient air. 1978
The Carcinogen Assessment Group's final risk assessment on arsenic / 1981
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency public hearing on proposed national emission standards for identifying, assessing and regulating airborne substances posing a risk of cancer and advanced notice of proposed generic standards. 1980

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