Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (AUTHOR=Albert AND C)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Advances in chromatography, 1980 : proceedings of the Fifteenth International Symposium held in Houston, TX, October 6-9, 1980 / 1980
Air/Superfund national technical guidance study series : models for estimating air emission rates from Superfund remedial actions. 1993
Alum addition and step-feed studies in oxygen-activated sludge / 1977
An analysis of the dissolved oxygen regimen in the San Joaquin Estuary near Stockton, California / 1968
Analysis of the Dissolved Oxygen Regimen in the San Joaquin River Estuary Near Stockton, California by the Central Pacific River Basins Project. 1968
Aquatic microbiology laboratory manual 1976
Artificial recharge to the Snake Plain aquifer in Idaho : an evaluation of potential and effect / 1969
Assessment of physical coal cleaning practices for sulphur removal / 1990
Benzene, xylene, and toluene in aquatic systems : a review / 1980
Bioterrorism, preparedness, attack and response 2004
Chlorinated organic compounds in digested, heat-conditioned, and purifax-treated sludges {microform} / 1984
Classics of public administration / 1992
Comparison of ozone contactors for municipal wastewater effluent disinfection : packed column versus jet scrubber / 1979
Concepts and techniques of geographic information systems / 2002
Control of air emissions from Superfund sites. 1993
Damming the Delaware : the rise and fall of Tocks Island Dam / 2005
Delaware River water quality assessment : 1986-87 305(b) report. 1988
Development and Evaluation of a Mathematical Model of the Lower Reaches of the Kansas River Drainage System. 1967
Economic assessment of resources recovery and utilization from coal fines wastes / 1981
Effects of fluctuating, sublethal applications of heavy metal solutions upon the gill ventilatory response of bluegills (Lepomis macrochirus) / 1981
Effects of fluctuating, sublethal applications of heavy metal solutions upon the gill ventilatory response of bluegills (Lepomis macrochirus) / 1981
Effects on toxicity of volatile priority pollutants added to a conventional wastewater treatment system / 1983
Elements of meteorology 1979
Evaluation and documentation of the effects of operation and maintenance practices on the performance of selected biological treatment plants 1982
Evaluation and documentation of the effects of operation and maintenance practices on the performance of selected biological treatment plants / 1982
Evaluation of operation and maintenance factors limiting biological wastewater treatment plant performance / 1979
Experimental and clinical neurotoxicology / 2000
Flame-photometric determination of strontium in natural water 1962
Fluvial sediment in the little Arkansas River Basin, Kansas / 1966
Ground-water resources and geology of Columbia County, Wisconsin / 1978
Handbook, control of air emissions from Superfund sites. 1992
In our own backyard principles for effective improvement of the nation's infrastructure / 1993
Industry sector analysis : 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane / 1982
Industry sector analysis : chloromethane / 1982
Inflow to Snake River between Milner and King Hill, Idaho / 1969
Invertebrate learning. 1973
Jurisdiction in a nutshell, State and Federal 1980
Manual of water quality models for Virginia estuaries / 1979
Marking and tagging fishes / 1953
Methods for collection and processing of surface-water and bed-material samples for physical and chemical analyses / 1990
Model protocol for the comprehensive evaluation of publicly owned treatment works performance and operation. / 1982
Occurrence and distribution of strontium in natural water / 1963
Persistence of pathogens in lagoon-stored sludge 1989
Public hearing : proposed airborne carcinogen policy. 1980
Pueblo Indian water rights : struggle for a precious resource / 1984
Quantitative mineral analysis of clays 1989
Quantitative X-Ray Powder Diffraction Analysis of Air Particulate Samples. 1983
San Joaquin Estuary Near Stockton, Calif. An Analysis of the Dissolved Oxygen Regimen. 1968
San Joaquin Master Drain. Effects on Water Quality of San Francisco Bay and Delta. Appendix Part C. Nutrients and Biological Response. 1968
Santee Recreation Project, Santee, California. 1967
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