Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
1982 edition of Litigation under the Federal Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act 1981
1985 edition of Litigation under the federal Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act. 1984
Advances in the Measurement of Ambient Carbon Fibers. 1984
Analysis of fuel samples from Baltimore, Detroit, and Philadelphia / 1986
Benefits of Regulating Hazardous Waste Disposal: Land Values as an Estimator. Executive Summary. 1984
Benefits of Regulating Hazardous Waste Disposal: Land Values as an Estimator. Volume 1. 1982
Benefits of Regulating Hazardous Waste Disposal: Land Values as an Estimator. Volume 2. 1984
Biological role of porphyrins and related structures 1975
Bleomycin Effects on Mouse Meiotic Chromosomes. 1990
Captive management and conservation of amphibians and reptiles 1994
Chemical and physical behavior of porphyrin compounds and related structures. 1973
Clean Water Act 20 years later 1993
Diesel fuel injection 1994
Ecological fantasies 1973
Ecological fantasies : Death from falling watermelons 1973
Ecological fantasies Death from falling watermelons: a defense of innovations, science and rational approaches to environmental problems 1973
Environmental performance at the bench : the EPA's record in federal court / 2000
Fluorides and human health. 1970
Food, Inc. / 2009
Glossary of Water Resource Terms. 1970
Glossary of water resource terms. 1970
Happiness surveys and public policy : who wants to be happy? / 2015
How to speak, how to listen / 1985
Inspection and maintenance of new technology vehicles in Washington, D.C. / 1985
Interfacing nonpoint source programs with the conservation reserve : guidance for water quality managers / 1988
International anthropogenic methane emissions : estimates for 1990 : report to Congress / 1994
Language, sex, and gender : does La difference make a difference? / 1979
Litigation under the federal open government laws : the Freedom of Information Act, the Privacy Act, the Government in the Sunshine Act, the Federal Advisory Committee Act. 1991
Managing scientific and technical information in environmental cases : principles and practices for mediators and facilitators / 2002
Map projections for geodesists, cartographers and geographers. 1972
Numerical Modeling Study of Gain and Downward Radiation for Selected FM and VHF-TV Broadcast Antenna Systems. 1985
Planning the Oregon way : a twenty-year evaluation / 1994
Poison runoff : a guide to state and local control of nonpoint source water pollution / 1989
Poison runoff : a guide to state and local control of nonpoint source water pollution : summary / 1989
Program to Calculate Size Specific Particulate Emission Factors for Mobile Sources (for Microcomputers). 1987
Program to Calculate Size Specific Particulate Emissions for Mobile Sources. 1984
R in a nutshell / 2012
R in a nutshell / 2010
Restoring Colorado River ecosystems : a troubled sense of immensity / 2007
Selecting priority nonpoint source projects : you better shop around / 1989
Setting priorities : the key to nonpoint source control / 1987
Stand or deliver : citizen suits, standing, and environmental protection / 2001
Targeting : the key to nonpoint source control / 1987
Teacher at sea: Mr. Tanebaum explores Atlantic fishries on the NOAA ship Henry B. Bigelow / 2009
The ducks stop here? : the environmental challenge to federalism / 2001
The green costs of Kelo : economic development takings and environmental protection / 2006
The Oxford handbook of well-being and public policy / 2016
To stand the test of time : long-term stewardship of digital data sets in science and engineering. 2006
Tracer studies in marine microcosms : transport processes near the sediment-water interface / 1981
TRB paper number 981579: the emissions reduction potential of the congestion mitigation and air quality improvement (CMAQ) program : a preliminary assessment / 1998
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