Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 10
Showing: Items 1 - 10
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Abramovitz AND Janet AND N)

Select Item Title Year Published
Guide to key environmental statistics in the U.S. Government 1990
Imperiled waters, impoverished future : the decline of freshwater ecosystems / 1996
Investing in biological diversity : U.S. research and conservation efforts in developing countries / 1991
Paper cuts : recovering the paper landscape / 1999
Survey of U.S.-based efforts to research and conserve biological diversity in developing countries 1989
Taking a stand : cultivating a new relationship with the world's forests / 1998
Unnatural disasters / 2001
Vital signs 2001 : the trends that are shaping our future / 2001
Vital signs 2002 : the trends that are shaping our future / 2002
Vital signs 2003 : the trends that are shaping our future / 2003

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