Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 25
Showing: Items 1 - 25

Select Item Title Year Published
Analysis of Mercury in Vermont and New Hampshire Lakes: Evaluation of the Regional Mercury Cycling Model. 2004
Application of a water quality assessment modeling system at a superfund site / 1991
Aquatic Fate and Transport Modeling Techniques for Predicting Environmental Exposure to Organic Pesticides and Other Toxicants - A Comparative Study. 1986
Development of an Ecological Risk Assessment Methodology for Assessing Wildlife Exposure Risk Associated with Mercury-Contaminated Sediments in Lake and River Systems. Part 1: Essential Data Requirements. Part 2: SERAFM - Spreadsheet-Based Ecological Risk Assessment for the Fate of Mercury (A Screening-Level Model). 2006
Environmental Software at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling. 1989
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Computer Models Are Available to All. 1987
Frequency analysis of pesticide concentrations for risk assessment : (Franco model) / 1982
Mercury study report to Congress. 1997
Modeling the benthos-water column exchange of hydrophobic chemicals / 1986
Modeling Volatile Organics in the Delaware Estuary. 1987
SARAH : a surface water assessment model for back calculating reductions in abiotic hazardous wastes / 1987
SARAH2, a near field exposure assessment model for surface water / 1988
Technical guidance manual for performing waste load allocations Estuaries. 1990
Technical guidance manual for performing waste load allocations. Book II, Streams and rivers. 1984
Technical guidance manual for performing waste load allocations. Book III, Estuaries / 1990
Technical guidance manual for performing waste load allocations. Part 3 : use of mixing zone models in estuarine waste load allocations / Book III, Estuaries : 1992
Technical guidance manual for performing waste load allocations. Part 3 : use of mixing zone models in estuarine waste load allocations / Book III, Estuaries : 1990
Technical guidance manual for performing waste load allocations. Part 4 : critical review of coastal embayment and estuarine waste load allocation modeling / Book III, Estuaries : 1992
Technical guidance manual for performing waste load allocations. Part 4 : critical review of estuarine waste load allocation (WLA) modeling / Book III, Estuaries : 1990
TOXIWASP: A Dynamic Model for Simulating the Transport and Fate of Toxic Chemicals in Water Bodies. 1984
WASP4, a hydrodynamic and water quality model : model theory, user's manual and programmer's guide / 1988
WASP7 Benthic Algae - Model Theory and User's Guide. Supplement to Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program (WASP) User Documentation. 2006
WASP7 Stream Transport-Model Theory and User's Guide: Supplement to Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program (WASP) User Documentation. 2009
Waste Allocation Simulation Models: A State-of-the-Art Review (Journal Version). 1988
Water Quality Modeling Software Available from U.S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). 1987

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