Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 11
Showing: Items 1 - 11

Select Item Title Year Published
Biology of hydra. 1973
Environmental atlas of the Iowa-Kansas-Missouri-Nebraska climate-change study region / 1990
Evaluating the Relationship of Metabolic Activation System Concentrations and Chemical Dose Concentrations for the Salmonella Spiral and Plate Assays. 1991
Evaluation of source term initial conditions for modeling leachate migration from landfills / 1992
Geophysical and soil-gas investigations : Phelps Collins Air National Guard Base Alpena, Michigan / 1987
Handbook of biochemical kinetics 1999
Lake Tahoe visibility study / 1983
Major world ecosystem complexes ranked by carbon in live vegetation : a database / 1985
MULTIMED, the multimedia exposure assessment model for evaluating the land disposal of wastes--model theory / 1993
Partition Coefficients for Metals in Surface Water, Soil, and Waste. 2005
Pollution prevention and management strategies for mercury in the New York/New Jersey Harbor / 2002

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