Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
'Crassostrea virginica' as an Indicator of Lead Pollution. 1979
2019 Lippincott pocket drug guide for nurses / 2019
A phosphorus diet for the lower lakes : executive summary of the U.S. Task Force plans for phosphorus load reductions to Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, and Saginaw Bay. 1986
An examination of innovative methods used in the inspection of wastewater systems / 2004
An investigation of light-catalyzed chlorine oxidation for treatment of wastewater / 1968
An investigation of light-catalyzed chlorine oxidation for treatment of wastewater / 1968
Analytical Diagnosis of Pesticide Poisoning: Collection, Storage, and Shipment of Biological Samples. 1971
Analytical study of the Ogallala aquifer in Bailey County, Texas : projections of saturated thickness, volume of water in storage, pumpage rates, pumping lifts, and well yields / 1976
Analytical study of the Ogallala aquifer in Briscoe County, Texas : projections of saturated thickness, volume of water in storage, pumpage rates, pumping lifts, and well yields / 1977
Analytical study of the Ogallala aquifer in Castro County, Texas : projections of saturated thickness, volume of water in storage, pumpage rates, pumping lifts, and well yields / 1976
Analytical study of the Ogallala aquifer in Cochran County, Texas : projections of saturated thickness, volume of water in storage, pumpage rates, pumping lifts, and well yields / 1978
Analytical study of the Ogallala aquifer in Crosby County, Texas : projections of saturated thickness, volume of water in storage, pumpage rates, pumping lifts, and well yields / 1976
Analytical study of the Ogallala aquifer in Dawson and Borden Counties, Texas projections of saturated thickness, volume of water in storage, pumpage rates, pumping lifts, and well yields / 1978
Analytical study of the Ogallala aquifer in Deaf Smith County, Texas : projections of saturated thickness, volume of water in storage, pumpage rates, pumping lifts, and well yields / 1977
Analytical study of the Ogallala aquifer in Floyd County, Texas projections of saturated thickness, volume of water in storage, pumpage rates, pumping lifts, and well yields / 1976
Analytical study of the Ogallala aquifer in Gaines County, Texas projections of saturated thickness, volume of water in storage, pumpage rates, pumping lifts, and well yields / 1979
Analytical study of the Ogallala aquifer in Hale County, Texas projections of saturated thickness, volume of water in storage, pumpage rates, pumping lifts, and well yields / 1976
Analytical study of the Ogallala aquifer in Hockley County, Texas : projections of saturated thickness, volume of water in storage, pumpage rates, pumping lifts, and well yields / 1977
Analytical study of the Ogallala aquifer in Lamb County, Texas : projections of saturated thickness, volume of water in storage, pumpage rates, pumping lifts, and well yields / 1976
Analytical study of the Ogallala aquifer in Lubbock County, Texas projections of saturated thickness, volume of water in storage, pumpage rates, pumping lifts, and well yields / 1978
Analytical study of the Ogallala aquifer in Lynn and Garza Counties, Texas projections of saturated thickness, volume of water in storage, pumpage rates, pumping lifts, and well yields / 1978
Analytical study of the Ogallala aquifer in Parmer County, Texas : projections of saturated thickness, volume of water in storage, pumpage rates, pumping lifts, and well yields / 1976
Analytical study of the Ogallala aquifer in Terry County, Texas projections of saturated thickness, volume of water in storage, pumpage rates, pumping lifts, and well yields / 1978
Analytical study of the Ogallala aquifer in Yoakum County, Texas projections of saturated thickness, volume of water in storage, pumpage rates, pumping lifts, and well yields / 1978
Ancient forests on the Olympic National Forest : analysis from a historical and landscape perspective / 1990
Aquatic biodiversity investment areas in the Great Lakes Basin : identification and validation / 1998
Availability of coal gasification and coal liquification for providing clean fuels 1974
Bacterial movement through fractured bedrock : a subproject of system for geologic evaluation of pollution potential at mountain dwelling sites / 1972
Chemical stabilization of soils : laboratory and field evaluation of several petrochemical liquids for soil stabilization / 1971
Chlorinated solvents : a forensic evaluation / 2013
Coastal waters : a management analysis / 1978
Colloidal dispersions : suspensions, emulsions, and foams / 2002
Colloidal systems and interfaces 1988
Conference on Experimental Clinical Cancer Chemotherapy : {proceedings} 1960
Critical Review of Wastewater Treatment Plant Sludge Disposal by Landfilling. 1982
Data user's guide to the United States Environmental Protection Agency's long-term monitoring project : quality assurance plan and data dictionary / 1991
DDT Concentrations in Blood, Brain, and CSF of Rats After DDT-Induced Convulsions. 1970
Developing diversity in organizations a digest of selected literature / 1992
Development of Duration-Curve Based Methods for Quantifying Variability and Change in Watershed Hydrology and Water Quality. 2008
Effect of Cadmium Body Burdens in Adult 'Crassostrea virginica' on Fecundity and Viability of Larvae. 1981
Effects of Environmental Factors on Radiocadmium Uptake by Four Species of Marine Bivalves. 1976
Effects of Open-Top Chambers on 'Valencia' Orange Trees. 1992
Elemental association and fingerprinting of traffic-related metals in road sediments / 2000
Environment : a bibliography of social science and related literature / 1974
Environmental Assessment of a Phthalate Ester, DI-(2-Ethyl Hexyl) Phthalate (DEHP) Derived from a Marine Microcosm. 1985
Environmental Assessments from Simple Test Systems and a Microcosm: Comparisons of Monetary Costs. 1985
Environmental forensics : a glossary of terms / 1999
Environmental forensics : contaminant specific guide / 2006
Environmental forensics : principles & applications / 2000
Environmental forensics : proceedings of the 2009 INEF annual conference / 2010
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