Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A field guide to the reptiles and amphibians of Coastal Southern California / 1997
A Requirements study of an automated advisory system for review of RCRA permits / 1986
A user's guide for the CALPUFF dispersion model / 1995
Acquisition and Loss of a Neuronal Ca(2+)/Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase during Neuronal Differentiation. 1991
Advances in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease Insights, Progress, and Perspectives / [electronic resource] : 2008
Advisory papers on the development and calculation of global material balances for selected chemical substances. #1, General background concepts / 1978
Aerial observation of Gulf Stream phenomena Virginia Capes area, October 1968-May 1969 / 1970
Age-Related Percutaneous Penetration of 2-sec-Butyl-4-6-Dinitrophenol (Dinoseb) in Rats. 1992
Agricultural information resource centers a world directory 1990 / 1990
An evaluation of three EPA public school risk communication programs : asbestos, lead in drinking water and radon : final report / 1990
Anaerobic treatment of synthetic organic wastes / 1972
Anaerobic treatment of synthetic organic wastes / 1972
Analysis and characterization of urban storm-water runoff for selected basins in the Baltimore, Maryland, metropolitan area a project plan / 1982
Analysis of Indirect Emissions Benefits of Wind, Landfill Gas, and Municipal Solid Waste Generation. 2008
Annual variations in chemical composition of atmospheric precipitation, eastern North Carolina and southeastern Virginia / 1968
Application of combustion modifications to industrial combustion equipment : (data supplement A) / 1979
Application of combustion modifications to industrial combustion equipment : (data supplement B) / 1979
Application of the 10-d acute and 28-d chronic Leptocheirus plumulosus sediment toxicity tests to the ambient toxicity assessment program : final report / 2001
Application-oriented algebra : an introduction to discrete mathematics / 1977
Aquatic habitat program plan for assessing the effects of pollutants in the San Francisco Bay-Delta estuary / 1982
Aquatic life water quality screening values for chlorinated phenolic compounds 1994
Asbestos toxicity 1988
Assessment of the significance of discharge of chlorinated phenolic compounds from bleached kraft pulp mills 1994
ASWEPS shallow water investigation, Virginia Capes area, September-October 1967 / 1969
At-sea incineration of herbicide orange onboard the M/T Vulcanus / 1978
At-sea incineration of organochlorine wastes onboard the M/T Vulcanus / 1977
Atmospheric Tracer Experiments in a Deep Narrow Valley. 1984
Bioaccumulation of Kepone by Grass Shrimp ('Palaemonetes pugio'): Importance of Dietary Accumulation and Food Ration. 1990
Bioaccumulation of Kepone by Spot ('Leiostomus xanthurus'): Importance of Dietary Accumulation and Ingestion Rate. 1986
Biostatistics : a methodology for the health sciences / 2004
Bloating characteristics of east Texas clays, 1965
Blueprint for your library marketing plan : a guide to help you survive and thrive / 2006
Bond County soils, 1913
Bunkers : an analysis of the practical, technical and legal issues / 2004
Cancer genomics and proteomics : methods and protocols / 2007
Cannery waste treatment {Prepared} for the Federal Water Quality Administration, U.S. Dept. of the Interior {microform} : Kehr activated sludge. 1970
Cannery waste treatment: Kehr activated sludge. [Prepared] for the Federal Water Quality Administration, U.S. Dept. of the Interior 1971
Cesium-137 in industrial wood ash : concentrations, fate, and human health risks. 1992
Chemical composition of atmospheric precipitation in the Northeastern United States / 1971
Chemical composition of rainfall, eastern North Carolina and southeastern Virginia / 1966
Chicot / Atchafalaya Aquifer Region: Southwest Louisiana 2009
Climate change and Pennsylvania agriculture / 2004
Climatological summaries of the lower few kilometers of rawinsonde observations / 1979
Coal Fly Ash as a Model Complex Mixture for Short-Term Bioassay. 1981
Coal Fly Ash as a Model Complex Mixture for Short-Term Bioassay. 1982
Coal Mine Water Pollution Legal and Regulatory Issues: A Survey. 1978
Communicating environmental risks : a guide to practical evaluations / 1990
Communicating radon risk effectively : a mid-course evaluation / 1987
Communicating radon risk effectively : radon testing in Maryland : final report / 1988
Comparative In vitro Percutaneous Absorption of p-Substituted Phenols through Rat Skin Using Static and Flow-Through Diffusion Systems. 1993
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