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Main Title Yolk Utilization and Growth to Yolk-Sac Absorption in Summer Flounder ('Paralichthys dentatus') Larvae at Constant and Cyclic Temperatures.
Author Johns, D. M. ; Howell, W. H. ; Klein-MacPhee, G. ;
CORP Author Environmental Research Lab., Narragansett, RI.
Year Published 1981
Report Number EPA-600/J-81/185 ;ERLN-195;
Stock Number PB82-207879
Additional Subjects Growth ; Flatfishes ; Larvae ; Temperature measurement ; Abnormalities ; Mortality ; Animal physiology ; Reprints ; Paralichtys dentatus
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB82-207879 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 10p
Abstract Rates of development, growth and yolk conversion efficiency were determined in larvae of the summer flounder Paralichtys dentatus at constant temperatures of 21 degrees, 16 degrees, 12 degrees and 5 degrees C and in temperature cycles of 21 degrees-16 degrees, 16 degrees-11 degrees, and 11 degrees-5 degrees C. In constant incubation temperatures, development rate increased with increasing temperature.
Supplementary Notes Pub. in Marine Biology, v63 p301-308 1981.
NTIS Title Notes Journal article.
Title Annotations Reprint: Yolk Utilization and Growth to Yolk-Sac Absorption in Summer Flounder ('Paralichthys dentatus') Larvae at Constant and Cyclic Temperatures.
PUB Date Free Form 1981
Category Codes 8A; 47D
NTIS Prices PC A02/MF A01
Primary Description 600/05
Document Type NT
Cataloging Source NTIS/MT
Control Number 323815314
Origin NTIS
Type CAT