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Main Title Isolation and Identification of Polychlorinated Styrenes in Great Lakes Fish.
Author Keuhl, D. W. ; Kopperman, H. L. ; Veith, G. D. ; Glass., G. E. ;
CORP Author Environmental Research Lab.-Duluth, Minn.
Year Published 1976
Report Number EPA/600/J-76/026;
Stock Number PB-265 290
Additional Subjects Fishes ; Toxicology ; Styrenes ; Chlorine organic compounds ; Chromatographic analysis ; Lake Ontario ; Lake Huron ; Detroit River ; Mass spectroscopy ; Fresh water fishes ; Tables(Data) ; Tissues(Biology) ; Experimental data ; Aldrin ; Water pollution ; Pesticides ; Reprints ; Bioaccumulation ; Polychlorinated styrenes ; Styrene/chloro ; Styrene/octachloro ; DDE insecticide ; Alewife ; Stizostedion vitreum ; Also pseudoharengus ; Water pollution effects(Animals)
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-265 290 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 7p
Abstract Octachlorostyrene was prepared by two independent synthetic routes, and GC retention time data as well as a mass spectrum of the standard were obtained. A comparison of these data with those observed for a component in fish from Lake Huron, Lake Ontario, and the lower Detroit River indicates that octachlorostyrene is present in fish residues from these sources. In addition, mass spectral data indicated the presence of several hepta and hexachlorostyrene isomers in these fish. Further studies should be concerned with quantification of OCS and evaluation of possible sources of these compounds, such as impurities in products produced by exhaustive chlorination or as by-products in the electrolytic production of chlorine. Copyright (c) 1976 by Springer-Verlag New York Inc.
Availability Notes Pub. in Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, v16 n2 p127-132 1976.
NTIS Title Notes Journal article.
Title Annotations +++Reprint: Isolation and Identification of Polychlorinated Styrenes in Great Lakes Fish.
PUB Date Free Form 1976
Category Codes 6T; 6F; 13B; 57Y; 57H; 68D; 98F
NTIS Prices Not available NTIS
Primary Description 600/03
Document Type NT
Cataloging Source NTIS/MT
Control Number 323714441
Origin NTIS
Type CAT