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Main Title The Routledge handbook of hazards and disaster risk reduction /
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
Wisner, Ben.
Gaillard, J. C.
Kelman, Ilan.
Publisher Routledge,
Year Published 2012
OCLC Number 759771958
ISBN 9780415523257; 0415523257; 9780415590655; 0415590655
Subjects Natural disasters--Risk assessment--Handbooks, manuals, etc ; Hazard mitigation--Handbooks, manuals, etc ; Emergency management--Handbooks, manuals, etc
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
EKCM  GB5014.R68 2012 CEMM/GEMMD Library/Gulf Breeze,FL 01/30/2017
EOAM  GB5014.R68 2012 Region 8 Technical Library/Denver,CO 08/18/2015
Collation xxxiv, 875 pages : illustrations, maps ; 25 cm.
Notes Includes bibliographical references and index.
Contents Notes Big picture views : hazards, vulnerabilities and capacities. Introduction -- Framing disaster : theories and stories seeking to understand hazards, vulnerability and risk / Ben Wisner, J.C. Gaillard and Ilan Kelman -- Historical concepts of disasters and risk / Greg Bankoff -- Politics : power and disasters / Adolfo Mascarenhas and Ben Wisner -- Human rights and disaster / Jean Connolly Carmalt and Claudine Haenni Dale -- Violent conflict, natural hazards and disaster / Ben Wisner -- Culture, hazard and disaster / Kenneth Hewitt -- Knowledge and disaster risk reduction / Jessica Mercer -- Religious interpretations of disaster / David Chester, Angus M. Duncan and Heather Sangster -- Hazards and disasters represented in film / Gregory Berger and Ben Wisner -- Hazards and disasters represented in music / Bob Alexander -- Hazards, risk and urbanisation / Mark Pelling -- Disaster risk and sustainable development / Christopher M. Bacon. Fine-grained views : hazards, vulnerabilities and capacities. Introduction -- Data sources on hazards / Julio Serje -- Tools for identifying hazards / Keiko Saito [and others] -- Hazard, risk and climate change / David Simon -- Coastal storm / Sebastiaan N. Jonkman, Herman Gerritsen and Marcel Marchand -- Thunderstorm and tornado / David Etkin, Kaz Higuchi and George Platsis -- Flood / Hanna Schmuck -- Drought / Thomas A. Smucker -- Extreme heat and cold / Sabrina McCormick -- Wildfire / Roger Underwood and Alexander Held -- Landslide and other mass movements / Danang Sri Hadmoko and Salvatore Engel-Di Mauro -- Earthquake / Cinna Lomnitz and Ben Wisner -- Tsunami / Brian G. McAdoo -- Volcanic eruption / Susanna Jenkins and Katharine Haynes -- Soil erosion and contamination / Salvatore Engel-Di Mauro -- Human epidemic / Chris Dibben -- Livestock epidemic / Delia Grace and John McDermott -- Plant disease, pests and erosion of biodiversity / Pascal O. Girot -- Hazards from space / Bill McGuire -- Disability and disaster / David Alexander, J.C. Gaillard and Ben Wisner -- Gender, sexuality and disaster / Maureen Fordham -- Children, youth and disaster / Agnes A. Babugura -- Elderly people and disaster / Ehren B. Ngo -- Caste, ethnicity, religious affiliation and disaster / J.C. Gaillard. Preparedness and response. Introduction -- Early warning principles and systems / Juan Carlos Villagran de Leon -- Preparedness, warning and evacuation / Philip Buckle -- Emergency management principles / Alejandro Lopez-Carresi -- From damage and needs assessments to relief / Claude de Ville de Goyet -- Health and disaster / Mark Keim and Jonathan Abrahams -- Food security and disaster / Ian Christoplos -- Settlement and shelter reconstruction / Manu Gupta -- Psycho-social recovery / Tamman Aloudat and Lene Christensen -- Socio-economic recovery / Rohit Jigasu. Planning, prevention and mitigation. Introduction -- International planning systems for disaster / Margaret Arnold -- National planning and disaster / Allan Lavell [and others] -- Local government and disaster / Geoff O'Brien [and others] -- Urban and regional planning and disaster / Cassidy Johnson -- Financial mechanisms for disaster risk / Joanne Linnerooth-Bayer -- Economic development policy and disaster risk / Charlotte Brown -- Protection of infrastructure / Ana Maria Cruz -- Social protection and disaster / Walter Gillis Peacock and Carla Prater -- Livelihood protection and support for disaster / David Sanderson -- Community action and disaster / Zenaida Delica-Willison and J.C. Gaillard -- Civil society and disaster / Martha Thompson -- University research's role in reducing disaster risk / Dorothea Hilhorst and Annelies Heijmans -- Education and disaster / Emmanuel M. Luna -- Media, communication and disasters / Tim Radford and Ben Wisner -- Participatory action research and disaster risk / Michael K. McCall and Graciela Peters-Guarin -- Conclusions. Challenging risk : has the left foot stepped forward? / The editors.
Place Published New York, N.Y.
Title Ser Add Ent Routledge handbooks.
Alternate Title Handbook of hazards and disaster risk reduction
PUB Date Free Form 2012
Series Title Untraced Routledge handbooks
BIB Level m
Medium unmediated
Content text
Carrier volume
Cataloging Source OCLC/T
LCCN 2011043353
Merged OCLC records 774671779
OCLC Time Stamp 20170125084631
Language eng
Origin OCLC
Type CAT
OCLC Rec Leader 05693cam 2200493 a 45010