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Main Title State of the world, 2004 : a Worldwatch Institute report on progress toward a sustainable society /
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
Halweil, Brian.
Mastny, Lisa.
Assadourian, Erik.
Starke, Linda.
Publisher W.W. Norton & Company,
Year Published 2004
OCLC Number 54003005
ISBN 0393058603; 9780393058604; 0393325393; 9780393325393
Subjects Sustainable development ; Conservation of natural resources ; Economic development--Environmental aspects ; Consumption (Economics) ; Société de consommation ; Développement durable ; Ressources en eau ; Ressources énergétiques ; Ressources alimentaires ; Nature--Effect of human beings on ; Environmental protection
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
EIAM  HC59.15.S734 2004 Region 2 Library/New York,NY 05/07/2004
EJDM  HC59.15 .S734 2004 Env Science Center Library/Ft Meade,MD 02/13/2004
ERAM  HC59.15.S734 2004 Region 9 Library/San Francisco,CA 06/04/2004
Collation xxv, 245 pages : illustrations, charts ; 24 cm.
Notes "Special focus: The consumer society"--Cover. Includes bibliographical references (pages 181-234) and index.
Contents Notes [This book] examines how we consume, why we consume, and what impact our consumption old growth lumber to gas guzzling cars, many of the things we buy support destructive chasing power to build markets for less-hazardous products, including fair traded foods, green power, and fuel cell vehicles.-- From back cover. "A Bangladeshi child eats a bowl of rice. An American child plays with a plastic doll. A woman in Finland talks on a cell phone. A man in Zimbabwe fills his car with gasoline. A Japanese woman reads a newspaper. Think of the objects you buy and use in any given day. Now, try to imagine that there are more than 1.7 billion human beings in the consumer society--and their numbers are growing yearly. In many cases, excessive consumption burdens societies with bulging landfills, declining fish stocks, and rising obesity levels. Meanwhile, there are still another 2.8 billion who consume too little and who suffer from hunger, homelessness, and poverty. On the Worldwatch Institute's thirtieth anniversary, this special edition of State of the World examines how we consume, why we consume, and what impact our consumption choices have on the planet and our fellow human beings. From factory-farmed chicken to old-growth lumber to gas-guzzling cars, many of the things we buy support destructive industries. But businesses, governments, and concerned citizens can harness this same purchasing power to build markets for less-hazardous products, including fair-traded foods, green power, and fuel-cell vehicles. With chapters on food, water, energy, the politics of consumption, and redefining the good life, Worldwatch's award-winning research team asks whether a less-consumptive society is possible--and then argues that it is essential." -- Worldwatch Institute website
Place Published New York :
Corporate Au Added Ent Worldwatch Institute.
PUB Date Free Form c2004.
BIB Level m
Cataloging Source OCLC/T
OCLC Time Stamp 20040816131135
Language eng
Origin OCLC
Type CAT
OCLC Rec Leader 02222cam 2200373Ka 45020