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Main Title Stochastic Optimization and Simulation Techniques for Management of Regional Water Resource Systems. Volume I. Introduction.
CORP Author Texas Water Development Board, Austin.
Year Published 1971
Report Number Rept. no. ;131; DI-14-31-0001-3156; OWRR-C-1681(3156); 12325,; C-1681(3156) (1)-Vol-1
Stock Number PB-202 937
Additional Subjects ( Water resources ; Management planning) ; ( Linear programming ; Stochastic processes) ; Mathematical models ; Reservoirs ; Water supply ; Runoff ; Computer programs ; Data processing ; Cost analysis ; Optimization ; Texas ;
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-202 937 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 163p
Abstract The report defines a methodology for finding an optimal (most reasonable) staging plan for implementing a multibasin water resource system--a system that must meet, with an optimal level of shortages, prespecified but highly variable demands for water that increase over time--a system such as the proposed Texas Water System. The methodology explicitly evaluates the impact that stochastic variability of the meteorologic variables and uncertainty in the remaining variables have on determining which of an over-specified set of reservoirs and pump-canals should be constructed, how large each of the reservoirs and pump-canals should be at various points on the demand build-up curve, and how the resulting optimized system should be operated both during and after the period in which facilities are being added or increased in size, to minimize the present worth of their construction costs, expected operation costs, and expected penalty costs incurred for demands not met. The methodology is designed to analyze a problem on a monthly basis using historical or stochastic hydrologic input data sequences, a specified demand build-up period, and an economic life as identified by the user. (Author)
Supplementary Notes See also Volume 2A thru Volume 2F, PB-202 938.
NTIS Title Notes Completion rept.
PUB Date Free Form Jul 71,
Category Codes 8H; 12B; 5A; 60I; 72E; 70B
NTIS Prices PC A08 MF A01
Document Type NT
Cataloging Source NTIS/MT
Control Number 326521321
Origin NTIS
Type CAT