Main Title |
Motor vehicles and the 1990 Clean Air Act. |
CORP Author |
Environmental Protection Agency, Ann Arbor, MI. Office of Mobile Sources. |
Publisher |
United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Mobile Sources, |
Year Published |
1994 |
Report Number |
EPA 400-F-92-013 |
Stock Number |
PB99-155517 |
OCLC Number |
32289256 |
Subjects |
Motor vehicles--Motors--Exhaust gas--Law and legislation--United States ;
Motor vehicles--Pollution control devices--Law and legislation--United States ;
Air quality management--United States
Additional Subjects |
United States--Clean Air Act of 1990 ;
Motor vehicles ;
Vehicle air pollution ;
Pollution regulations ;
Air pollution control ;
Air pollution abatement ;
Exhaust emissions ;
Ozone ;
Carbon monoxide ;
Particulates ;
Smog ;
Fleet management ;
Buses ;
Trucks ;
Automobiles ;
Provisions ;
Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990
Internet Access |
Holdings |
Library |
Call Number |
Additional Info |
Location |
Last Modified |
Checkout Status |
EPA/400-F-92-013 |
Received from HQ |
AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH |
10/04/2023 |
EPA-400-F-92-013 |
NVFEL Library/Ann Arbor, MI |
05/14/2019 |
PB99-155517 |
Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. |
07/26/2022 |
Collation |
7 pages ; 28 cm. |
Abstract |
The Clean Air Act of 1970 set a national goal of clean and healthy air for all. It established the first specific responsibilities for government and private industry to reduce emissions from vehicles, factories, and other pollution sources. Congress and the Administration in 1990 amended and updated the Clean Air Act for the first time since 1977. The 1990 Clean Air Act includes provisions to further control ground-level ozone (urban smog), carbon monoxide, and particulate emissions from diesel engines and to address air toxics and acid rain. Motor vehicles contribute to all these problems. This fact sheet focuses on the mobile source provisions of the 1990 law, which together will reduce most vehicle-related pollutants by more than 40 percent. |
Notes |
Caption title. "EPA 400-F-92-013." "August, 1994." |
Place Published |
Washington, DC |
Availability Notes |
Product reproduced from digital image. Order this product from NTIS by: phone at 1-800-553-NTIS (U.S. customers); (703)605-6000 (other countries); fax at (703)605-6900; and email at NTIS is located at 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA, 22161, USA. |
Corporate Au Added Ent |
United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Mobile Sources. |
Title Ser Add Ent |
Fact sheet (United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Mobile Sources) ; 11. |
PUB Date Free Form |
1994 |
Series Title Traced |
Fact Sheet OMS ; |
Series Title Untraced |
Fact Sheet OMS ; 11 |
NTIS Prices |
PC A02/MF A01 |
BIB Level |
m |
Medium |
unmediated |
Content |
text |
Carrier |
volume |
Cataloging Source |
OCLC Time Stamp |
20190508055603 |
Language |
eng |
Origin |
Type |
OCLC Rec Leader |
01903cam 2200445Ka 45010 |