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Main Title Risk Ranking Project Region 2: Economic/Welfare Ranking and Problem Analysis.
CORP Author Environmental Protection Agency, New York. Region II.
Publisher Jun 91
Year Published 1991
Stock Number PB96-110671
Additional Subjects Risk assessment ; Environmental pollution ; Socioeconomic impacts ; Public health ; Environmental issues ; Environmental effects ; New York ; New Jersey ; Puerto Rico ; Virgin Islands ; Hazardous materials ; Solid waste management ; Pesticides ; Dredging ; Dredged materials ; Sludge disposal ; Waste water disposal ; Pollution sources ; Drinking water ; Injection wells ; Land use ; Aquatic biology ; EPA Region 2
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB96-110671 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 55p
Abstract The primary objective of the Region II Risk Ranking Project is to compare the risks posed by the different environmental problems facing the New York/New Jersey/Caribbean Region. The intent of the project is not only to inform EPA staff and managers, but to inform and to influence the public debate over environmental issues as well. Another objective is to use the results as a critical component of a strategic planning process for the region.
Supplementary Notes Also available from Supt. of Docs. See also PB94-100351.
Category Codes 68G; 57U; 43F; 91A
NTIS Prices PC A04/MF A01
Primary Description 902/00
Document Type NT
Cataloging Source NTIS/MT
Control Number 603800450
Origin NTIS
Type CAT