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Main Title Penetration into concrete of gamma radiation from fallout /
Author Titus, W. F.,
Publisher Federal Civil Defense Administration, Civil Effects Test Group,
Year Published 1958
OCLC Number 666805907
Subjects Operation Plumbbob, Nev, 1957 ; Concrete--Effect of radiation on ; Nuclear bomb shelters--United States ; Nuclear weapons--Safety measures ; Blast effect ; Nuclear explosions ; Blast effects
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ERAM  TK9210.T58 1958 Region 9 Library/San Francisco,CA 10/21/2013
Collation 32 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.
Notes "February 1958." "Issuance Date: August 22, 1958." Misc. No.: ITR-1477,Report No.: 0001865. Misc. No.: Project 35.1. Accession No.: 53489. Penetration in concrete of gamma radiation from fallout has been measured in an idealized geometry as a function of time after a nuclear detonation. At the same time the exposure dose rate in air at heights of 3 and 9 ft above the ground was measured with detectors shielded to be primarily sensitive to fallout radiation on the ground. A sandwich made of seven concrete slabs forming a mass of concrete with face dimensions large enough to reduce edge effects to a negligible amount was buried with its top surface flush with the ground. Ten remote-reading detectors were placed between the seven concrete slabs at intervals equal to approximately 1.4 mean free paths of concrete to a maximum depth of approximately 10 mean free paths. Two detectors, shielded from above with lead, were suspended in air from a tower at heights of 3 and 9 ft above the ground. The concrete mass and the tower were in the center of a cleared and leveled area approximately 200 yards in diameter. Thus the gamma radiation at the detectors resulted from an effectively infinite-plane source of radiation. Results are presented both as a function of time after the detonation and of depth of penetration of the radiation in concrete. Comparison of the results with theoretical calculations is made.
Place Published Washington, DC
Corporate Au Added Ent Atomic Energy Commission.
Title Ser Add Ent Operation Plumbbob - Nevada test site - preliminary report.
PUB Date Free Form February 1958
Series Title Untraced Operation Plumbbob - Nevada test site - preliminary report
BIB Level m
Cataloging Source OCLC/T
OCLC Time Stamp 20131018135850
Language eng
Origin OCLC
Type CAT
OCLC Rec Leader 02494cam 2200361Mi 45020