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Main Title Lower Colorado region comprehensive framework study : [appendices to the main report] /
CORP Author Lower Colorado Region State-Federal Interagency Group,
Publisher Lower Colorado Region State-Federal Interagency Group,
Year Published 1971
OCLC Number 06622202
Subjects Water resources development--Colorado River Watershed (Colo-Mexico) ; Land use--Colorado River Watershed (Colo-Mexico)--Planning ; Colorado River Watershed (Colo-Mexico)--Management ; Outdoor recreation--Colorado River Watershed (Colo-Mexico) ; Land use--Planning ; North America--Colorado River Watershed
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
ERAM  TC425.C63 L6 Vols. 1-5, 7-15, 18, State and Fed Comments, Summary Report Region 9 Library/San Francisco,CA 11/07/2014
Collation 18 volumes in 16 : illustrations, maps (some color) ; 27 cm
Notes Cover title. "June 1971." Includes bibliographical references.
Contents Notes Appendix I. History of study -- Appendix II. The region -- Appendix III. Legal and institutional environment -- Appendix IV. Economic base and projections -- Appendix V. Water resources -- Appendix VI. Land resources and use -- Appendix VII. Mineral resources -- Appendix VIII. Watershed management -- Appendix IX. Flood control -- Appendix X. Irrigation and drainage -- Appendix XI. Municipal and industrial water supply -- Appendix XII. Recreation -- Appendix XIII. Fish and wildlife -- Appendix XIV. Electric power --Appendix XV. Water quality, pollution control and health factors -- Appendix XVI. Shoreline protection and development -- Appendix XVII. Navigation -- Appendix XVIII. General program and alternatives. "The study covers the period from 1965 (base year) to the year 2020. In order to identify and stage early, intermediate, and late action programs, this study was divided into three time frames: 1966-1980, 1981-2000, and 2001-2020. This study deals with the water and related land resources of the Lower Colorado Region and embraces all significant problems and beneficial uses associated with these resources. Consideration was given to various aspects of problems related to supplies of water for municipal and industrial purposes, water quality control, flood control, irrigation, electric power production, mining and mineral processing, watershed management and treatment, land resources and use, outdoor recreation, and fish and wildlife. Environmental aspects such as natural beauty, cultural and historic values, rare species of flora and fauna, wildlife in general, and water and air quality goals are considered to be integral parts of the fabric of an optimum framework program."
Place Published Washington
Corporate Au Added Ent Pacific Southwest Inter-agency Committee.
PUB Date Free Form 1971
BIB Level m
Cataloging Source OCLC/T
Merged OCLC records 1158622
OCLC Time Stamp 20130605170004
Language eng
SUDOCS Number Y 3.P 11/2:2 C 71/app.
Origin OCLC
Type CAT
OCLC Rec Leader 01637cam 2200301Ii 45020