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Main Title Smart Growth for Sustainable Design and Development.
CORP Author Jonathan Rose Companies, LLC. ,Stamford, CT.; Wallace Roberts and Todd., Lake Placid, NY.; Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC.
Year Published 2009
Stock Number PB2012-107521
Additional Subjects Community development ; Economic growth ; Housing ; Design ; Communities ; Neighborhoods ; Land use ; Building resources ; Households ; Income ; Transportation ; Natural areas ; Quality of life ; Guidelines ; Smart growth
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB2012-107521 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 34p
Abstract How and where communities locate, design, and develop affordable housing affects their overall approach to growth as much as it does the household budgets of their residents. Communities that seek to grow and develop more sustainably can begin by asking themselves the following questions: Is affordable housing in my community well located, near transportation choices, and away from sensitive natural areas. Are new housing developments designed to encourage walking, connect to nearby uses and amenities, and incorporate parks and open space. Are affordable homes being constructed with materials and techniques that reduce energy and water use and improve resident health and well-being. If the answer to one or more of these questions is 'no,' then a community is unlikely to be growing in a manner that is economically or environmentally sustainable. A conventional approach that locates affordable housing in isolated pockets far from jobs and commercial centers leads to more driving for residents and the need for more costly road and infrastructure investments. The conventional approach also contributes to a higher 'true' cost of housing for residents, one that includes rent or mortgage payments plus the cost of transportation associated with the home's location. Housing is generally deemed affordable if it represents 30 percent or less of household income. Yet for working families those in greatest need of affordable housing the combined cost of housing and transportation accounts for 57 percent of household income, on average. This cost burden is greatest for lower-income families, who spend as much as 30 percent of their household income on transportation nearly equal to the cost of housing alone. Where housing is located and the transportation options it offers make a dramatic difference in how affordable a home really is. Other ways to make housing more affordable include techniques and materials that reduce energy and water consumption and improve indoor air quality. Together, smart growth and green building approaches help communities create opportunities for housing that are more affordable at the household level and more sustainable at the community level. Smart Growth Guidelines for Sustainable Design and Development is a resource for communities that seek to locate, design, and develop housing particularly affordable housing in a way that reduces household costs, improves residents' quality of life, and invests public resources more sustainably. The guidelines can serve as a checklist for local officials, state or regional policy makers, developers, and community members to ensure that programs, plans, and proposed developments incorporate the elements needed at the location, site, and building levels to result in more sustainable, affordable housing.
Supplementary Notes Prepared in cooperation with Wallace Roberts and Todd., Lake Placid, NY. Sponsored by Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC.
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PUB Date Free Form Nov 2009
Category Codes 43B; 91E; 91J
NTIS Prices PC A04
Document Type NT
Cataloging Source NTIS/MT
Control Number 120500440
Origin NTIS
Type CAT